Lewis Hamilton

According to recent rumors the model Naomi Campbell and Lewis Hamilton of a few should be. After a night together, the rumor mill cooks and it is already hotly debated about a possible romance. The duo claim to be “just good friends” and still both after the evening of tried Prince’s trust investment future Gala, secretly to get past the photographers. If this was not a subtle hint. However, that was not the end of their rendezvous, because both then still in a Chinarestaurante and met at the Dorchester Hotel. Some photographers waited for them on the arrival of the two. Naomi Campbell tried behind her jacket to hide, what reasonably well managed, but where Lewis Hamilton trying to hide behind his cell phone miserably BBs. “An eyewitness reported: one noted Naomi and Lewis, that they wanted to not draw attention to himself, but to want to cover everything up, exaggerated way they flew right!” After a drink, they left that again Restaurant and went this time with separate cars from the parking lot.

The spokesman for Naomi Campbell did not contest BBs, that the two have met, but he noted that Lewis and Naomi the another night spent not to have. The rumors already seething since the GQ awards ceremony, at the Lewis and Naomi bypassed strikingly familiar with each other. Also at the Brazilian Grand Prix of formula 1 was as Naomi Campbell, to cheer on Lewis Hamilton. We wait, if a pair is actually from the two. I think we may be curious.


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