Posts Tagged ‘Traditional medicine’

Valuable Properties

Pangamic acid (vitamin B15) is found in the embryonic seeds of many plants and sprouts, almonds and other stone fruit kernels. The content of vitamins in the wild fruit and berries is low, and in this respect they differ little from their cultural counterparts. And they both are not the source, and can only be an additional reserve of these vitamins. Folic acid (vitamin B9) is rich in strawberries, with its associated beneficial than effect of anemia. More of a raspberry. It is also found in apples, apricots, black currants and other valuable property of vitamin B15 – the ability to attenuate a side effect of some toxic and medicinal preparations by-products produced in the body during metabolism. Vitamin successfully used in complex therapeutic agents for certain heart diseases, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism and liver diseases. Vitamin K helps blood to clot when bleeding.

Nowadays you can clean the pillows on the professional equipment for cleaning pads. Diseases associated with lack of food in vitamin K, practically do not occur, so as it is produced by bacteria in the gut. Vitamin found in nettles, spinach, apples, etc. Vitamin E has a very high antioxidant activity. It improves digestion and absorption of vitamin A, has stimulating effect on the muscular system. In significant amounts contained in sea-buckthorn, dog rose, apple, plum and other alkaloids.

The most important group of biologically active substances are alkaloids – substances produced by plants and represent a complex nitrogen-containing compounds. Need cleaning pads. Currently have about 5000 different alkaloids. In various plant species accumulate alkaloids uneven. Particularly rich in alkaloids, plants of the nightshade family, and poppy. Many alkaloids (morphine, papaverine, codeine, ephedrine, quinine, strychnine, etc.) used to treat diseases of the nervous system, internal bodies and other diseases. The content of alkaloids in the same plant can vary depending on the season and where they are grown. Alkaloidosoderzhaschimi plants are celandine, barberry, mordovnik, ergot, etc.

Digestive Enzymes

PEAK ENZYMES – DIGESTIVE ENZYMES AND SYSTEM enzymes (enzymes) – specific proteins that speed many times chemical reactions occurring in living organisms. The speed of their work and activity is very high. Enzymes – genius unit of nature. In humans, there are over 3,000 known enzymes, through which can be updated grown old and worn-out cells, transformation of nutrients into energy and building materials, waste disposal and exchange of foreign body substances, protection of rights of pathogenic bacteria and wound healing. With the help of enzymes are accelerated and managed everything vital processes of the body. "The key to long and healthy life can only be defined in one word: enzymes.

" Dr. Perhaps check out Jon Medved for more information. Hiromi Shinya (Dr. Hiromi Shinya) Would you like to have more energy and feel younger? Would you like to speed up the recovery process of your body? Would you like to improve the quality of your life? Then the most advanced solutions today – a technology of enzymes! Enzymes are the spark of life Do you know that your pancreas is two to three times its normal size? Do You that your immune system works to the bottom, spending more resources in helping the body to digest and absorb food in the blood? How do we know that this is indeed true, and if this applies to us? We know this, because almost all of us eat food that has been subjected to heat treatment. Foods cooked at a temperature higher than 47 C (about 118 degrees Fahrenheit) is devoid of enzymes.

Treatment Of Sunflower

Generously wide-open basket sunflower bees willingly visit. Sunflower honey is the best varieties. He has a beautiful golden color, light flavor and a nice tart taste, quickly crystallizes and becomes pale yellow with a greenish tinge, resembling melted butter. It is better to keep in the cold, since prolonged storage it is sometimes advocated the formation of crystals and liquid glucose fructose, which can turn sour. Honey from the flowers of sunflower is useful for people suffering from broncho-pulmonary diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system. Folk medicine has long used baskets outer flowers and leaves sunflower. Mixed dried equally marginal flowers and young leaves are preparing a tincture with vodka (1:5). Insist in a dark warm place for two weeks, then filtered.

Drink 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day with 1 / 4 tbsp. boiled water for malaria fevers, colds, lung disease, poor appetite and sluggish bowels. In rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatic affections of joints prepared infusion of young Sunflower. Gather them in beginning of flowering, chop, fill a glass jar on a third and topped up to the top 70% alcohol or strong brew. Insist 10-12 days, filter. Take 20-30 drops in water 2-3 times a day, rub the week of courses break in the week. On the night of the same tincture rubbed the affected joints.

When metabolism of young broth dried sunflower baskets used in the hives, and metabolic disorders, general exhaustion. 2 tablespoons dried minced raw boil 15 minutes in 0.5 liters of water, filter. Drink 1 / 4 tbsp. 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. Seeds will relieve the cough is recommended to eat 1-2 tablespoons daily non-fried sunflower seeds in the protracted bronchitis, hives, cramps, malaria. Rates for 3-4 weeks with a break of one week. By following these simple recipes, you keep your youth and your health for years to come.

Healing Stone Shungite

Shungite – specific carbon species, which received its name from the village of Shunga on the shore of Lake Onega, where the first shungite was found. Shungite produced in Karelia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the town of Abakan, and as in Kazakhstan. Color shungite depending on the chemical composition can be black, gray, ashen, and other hues, interspersed with pyrite (gold), quartz (white). Shungite This can be distinguished from forgery because it conducts electricity easily. Shungite has an amazing ability to change the structure of water, giving it the healing properties due to the fact that amorphous carbon has the ability to move from the surface schungite in the water. Thus, water is carbonaceous. Due to this flow of water increases, and increases the permeability of water through the cell membrane. Shungite cleans water, removing it from harmful substances that blagotvortno effect on the body.

Complications when taking food from Shungite does not arise. This stone possesses anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects. In terms of feng shui shungite belongs to the element of water and therefore its use to people who need water, or to whom water is favorable. Since inflammation include the element of fire, shungite (water) decreases (inhibits) the tumor (the fire) So it successfully used in oncology. Shungite sold as a rock poroshek, pasta, pyramid, an ointment. This unusual stone is able to reduce the effect gepatogennyh zones, it is used often in mounds around military installations.

Shungite vozdeysvie reduces electrical appliances, mobile phones, reducing the aggressiveness of humans and animals. Since aggression is the influence of the metal, shungite (water) drains irritation and anger (metal). If the house put in a room aggressive person or a fighter Shungite pyramid, the man slowly but surely change its behavior. You can also change the behavior and aggressive animals in the house. Pyramid with shungite better use wax krikleiv inside in the upper corner of a piece of rock crystal, then the effect of the pyramid is a more lenient. Those who are familiar with the school of feng shui "Flying Star" is recommended to place the pyramid on the metal cluster of stars, or where is now unfavorable metal star 7. Currently sold rugs for cars with shungite, pillows, and a pyramid. People using shungite could see that they have more accidents on the roads there. Shungite (water) weakens the negative effect of the metal (machines). Anyone who enjoys shungite respond positively only to the breed. But it is worth remembering that the general recipe for all no. And people who have a very small Number of items metal in the body, shungite not help, but just the opposite. People who need the element of fire and have it a little, shungite (water) is contraindicated. How do I know that certain elements are favorable, and some are not, you must acquainted with the eastern astrology.

Tea Tree Oil

From what plants do, tea tree oil? First you need to say that "tea tree oil" to the tea does not have a well, not relationships. And the name is a plant was due to Captain James Cook. He and his sailors tried to imagine the healing power of a decoction of the leaves of tea tree during an expedition in 1770. Tea trees grow in Australia and New Zealand. In folk medicine, tea tree used for a long time. Aborigines for treatment of wounds using mashed leaves of tea tree, as well as prepare them to extract the healing, helping in the treatment of many diseases (scurvy, skin diseases, sunburn, tropical infections, snake bites etc. Tea trees in Australia and New Zealand grows two – leptospermum and Tea Tree. Natives called the tea tree leptospermum, but around the world tea tree oil Tea Tree oil became known.

As it turned out probably remain a mystery. Tea Tree – is a low evergreen shrubs or trees with narrow elongated leaves, scented (some of them even like needles) of the myrtle family. Tea Tree is very beautiful blooms. Inflorescences resemble fluffy bottle brush in different colors. At Tea Tree alternifolia, from the leaves of which actually make the tea tree oil, white lacy buds.

Tea Tree is very fond of moisture and light, easy to grow from seeds and growing fast enough. The leaves are grown Tea Tree can be collected, insisting, boil and use as well as tea tree oil. This is a very good antiseptic, which has a complex of very useful for the skin substances. Manuka – it's "popular" name leptospermuma. Online you can find many references to the usefulness of honey manuka oil and manuka. That leptospermum New Zealanders also nazyvyut "tea tree" and is made from its leaves a drink similar to tea. Leptospermum, like Tea Tree, myrtle belongs to the family. It also stunted shrub with elongated rounded leaves. There are many types of inflorescences leptospermuma different colors. One of the most beautiful – leptospermum Rosaceae. The leaves also make leptospermuma essential oil. Call it a New Zealand tea tree oil or manuka oil. In our country it can be found relatively rarely, although manuka oil, according to experts, even more efficient oil Tea Tree (ie tea tree oil). Leptospermum, like Tea Tree, sprouts readily from seed and is growing rapidly. Well formed by cutting and rapidly accumulates. Leaves leptospermuma also always come in handy in your home medicine cabinet.