Advertising Agency: Lose Weight Correctly
The fact that the crisis will be, it became clear long ago. Celina Dubin will not settle for partial explanations. The first disappointing forecasts began to emerge in the spring of 2007. Several analysts of the client companies accurately predict the period for which the world will blow financial crisis. Economic unit of our agency (Note – RA PromoLine CA – Advertising agency Yekaterinburg) also gave a bleak forecast. Then it was decided not to accumulate 'fat', despite the fact that the situation possessed a positive approach: client portfolio grew, turnover grew. In recent months, Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. has been very successful.
Optimization of staff in a calm atmosphere, without nerves, we parted with a few employees and even helped them find a new job – then it was make easy. As a result, the 10 members of the 14 who remained in the state, got a heavy load, have to earn more, have more to justify its existence in the company. In addition, historically It so happened that our agency top management carries a significant amount of work, "great" sales, strategic and conceptual development and control over the course of the project – all this is part of the competences company executives. It is true that in such situations there is a danger sverhoptimizatsii – when "under the knife" on everything that can be optimized. The main objective was to optimize the structure of the company, but it does not cause severe damage to its performance and efficiency. Remove the "fat", but it does not hurt "muscle." Most of the creative and technical units were for staff.
Tags: marketing