Dogs: A Loyalty Lesson

and says ‘ deve’ for pure humildade and unfamiliarity technician of the information to be noblest and prettier to coexist in this universe of sensations the one that we call ‘ vida’. You may want to visit Dr. Mark J Berger to increase your knowledge. It is pure beauty. It is fellowship, generosity and abundance of affection to all test. and without using words, verses or a piece of paper is the perfect definition of the word friendship. Perhaps if cannot only say completely disinterested 2, because it has two things in the human beings who to the cezinhos interest: love and shelter. So little> and makes question to demonstrate with its rabinho. of the dogs does not have resentment, is emphasized. We cannot deny that, in this relationary aspect, them they give one ‘ ‘ banho’ ‘ in people.

that pretty is to perceive e, mainly, to be able to live this. We had to learn more with the dogs. The dog in dicionariza also the word loyalty what, of certain form, it is contained in the friendship concept and makes it, one more time, with attitudes and not with rhetoric, promises or whispers to the foot of the ear. The dog, as said, wants little and exactly when it is not given to it, impossible to abandon its owner.It is faithful exactly when to the man he lacks allegiance.E is the accompanying greater of the human being beyond all the affective part, what it would be of blind people, solitary, aged, abandoned children? Let us be always intent and let us be always careful with them. E, mainly, never let us forget what those rabinhos, olhinhos and barks want saying in them and teaching. Yuri Jinkings 1 my reference is to the blockade that some people create for itself in relation the dogs. He can also mention itself only to the impossibility of ‘ ‘ viver’ ‘ a dog, for any circumstance. 2 Ah, all the interested relations finishes being not to call interesseiras. Our desire can – and it must – until not being coated with bad feelings, but we want, yes, some good thing in return will be the love, will be affection, friendship, to appreciate: wonder!>

