Posts Tagged ‘science’

Aurora One

The virtual tarot is excellent an average one to approach us the knowledge of the tarot and the cartomancy. It is an ideal scope to begin to know the arquetpicas figures the arcane ones and to familiarize to us with the wisdom of his meanings. Thanks to the technological advances, the virtual tarot approaches to him consulting the experience of a true distance of tarot, in the same way in which it would be realised in the doctor’s office of a viewer, although consulting and professional they are to thousands of kilometers of distance. The program of virtual tarot does not realise the interpretation of the distance, that is in charge of viewer the natural ones of Glenn Dubin, New York City has many thoughts on the issue. They will provide to the experience the human touch to him that is necessary, to give to the experience the relevance and the depth that must have. The program of virtual tarot is only one graphical interface that presents/displays the letters to the consulting one, you are you you select that them, guided by the invisible force than he is already certain for his future. The virtual tarot allows that people who until today had not had the experience of a reading at the tarot they are marvelled at the precision of the readings at Isabel, Aurora and Carol, that are those that really gives life him to all the experience.

If you are in crossroads in the life, she must make a difficult decision or simply she feels distressed before the perspective to face the stranger, the virtual tarot will allow to tell him on an excellence tool to be able to appreciate what happening of the life provides to him. There are not two equal distances of virtual tarot, each consulting one gives its personal touch him, in the same way that the reading of our mentalistas is not the same in all, the circumstances. That must to that each experience of virtual tarot is unique. Of no way it can be interpreted to the virtual tarot like a species of code, or manual that makes correspond to each letter with a predetermined text. The natural gift of our viewers confers to him to each experience characteristic that does in particular of that session of virtual tarot that is applicable at that precise moment, only to that consulting one. If it has doubts about some situation, or simply it wishes to listen to a word friend of whom it speaks with wisdom and foundation, the virtual tarot is the ideal means that has developed for you. We have obtained the impossible thing, to approach of massive way the wisdom of our tarotistas for all that one that has the anger to want to know what the destiny provides to him.

The Future Of Food Security

International project ‘Freshlabel’ optimized smart labels with time-temperature indicator (TTI) Bonn, November 2008 – after three years of intensive research, the joint research project Freshlabel was now\”under the auspices of the ttz Bremerhaven completed successfully. 6th EU research programme, 21 international partners from research and industry set the goal to develop a freshness seal for perishable food. Aim of the research was to develop time-temperature indicators in different meat and fishing stuff ends chain. We have achieved this goal\”, explains the food technologist Dr. Judith Kreyenschmidt of the University of Bonn. The TTZ Bremerhaven (project management), the State technical research centre of Finland VTT, the Institute of animal sciences of the University of Bonn as well as the National Technical University of Athens NTUA among the partner institutions for research. Performed the tests with time-temperature indicators were based on the OnVu technology.

A special On a label, pigment color discolored it depending on time and temperature. The TTI label is glued on the packaging, loaded with UV light and appears initially in a dark blue. The longer the product is stored warm, the faster is the color change in the white. On the basis of a reference symbol, it can be detected in what state of freshness the product is. The researchers conducted microbiological, chemical and sensory quality tests at different temperatures as boxed beef, ham or tuna – for various products – to characterize the freshness of the products. Furthermore TTI developed in intensive research, which reflect the freshness condition of the selected foods. In addition to the technological optimization, the biggest challenge now is light and the durability of the product exactly to match the intensity of the UV and that was under different temperature conditions. The developed TTI thus indirectly shows the natural enzymatic and microbial freshness loss as a function of time and temperature. Thus, cold chain breaks, that accelerate the loss of freshness, are displayed directly with the new label\”, so Karia next.

Obtaining Everything

A fundamental aspect in the life of all person is the relations with the others. The man as species is a social and interdependent being. To have healthful and harmonious relations with all the people, assures a pacific existence, heals and to flood of joy and happiness. It does not matter without are familiar, labor, communitarian relations or those that are. Good relations are peace, harmony. How to improve any relation? One is due to demand, to shout or to curse? One would be due to ask? He is doubtless that a sweet word attracts and disarms the other people. If you can speak, and, speaking the problem is solved, then to speak would be the solution.

But What happens when the other person does not wish to speak, is not close for speaking or simply it is difficult to speak for whatever reason with her? If you wish to improve the relation with the others, Corentt says to us, you do not need to speak to them, you do not need to demand to them or to ask to them. You only must change your mentality. You only must change your ideas. You only must change your subconscious beliefs. You are a so powerful being that when you change, everybody changes with you. If you change it is impossible that the world stays equal. Also the opposed thing is certain, if your you do not change is impossible that the world changes. Everything what you have around to your your it you have created.

Your apparent enemies, as Corentt explains in its book I I am Happy, I Am Rico, are in fact your better friendly. But some people are so obsessed with the existence of the badness, the fear and the hatred that they force to the other to treat them bad. They are those that have missed thoughts.

Costume Help Astronauts

Weightlessness, reigning in orbit, reflects badly on the human skeleton. Even when the astronauts are trying to compensate for her regular exercise, inevitably loses 1.5 kg of bone mass in just a month. More most affected femur and lower spine. The same mass as women lose each year after menopause. To prevent this problem, the Russian cosmonauts are on the orbital station, special costumes, that compensate for the absence of gravity. Insert heavier suit, mimicking the body's weight.

But to wear those costumes constantly impossible, so it remains unclear how effective they are in the fight against bone loss. Costume developed Weldy and his colleagues, is more comfortable to wear. It is made from flexible material, and when first worn, straps under the feet make the suit to stretch, and the shoulders have the same load as the at the Earth's gravity. Also, insertion of non-elastic material, allow you to adjust the load on the legs and torso, as in normal torso to withstand less weight than the legs. Conducted in 2009 tested showed that the suit could not yet provide a sufficient load on the calves, while the rest does its job a substitute for gravity. In the near future the team plans to test the creators of whether a suit prevent excessive elongation of the spine, as from a long stay in weightlessness, astronauts sometimes spine increased by more than 7 cm in length. Nevertheless, the idea has its critics. Gene Sibonga, for example, believes that the suit will not help astronauts maintain bone mass, because "the muscles play in this case a much larger role."