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Normality and Madness – distinct or non-separable Concepts? In the pages that I could appreciate with my reading, it was clearly the perception of that madness is seen of some angles, of some heads, and for the thoughts are changed there. It is noticed that it is easy to speak of the madness of the other, of this other people’s madness and to produce arguments of that wild he is who is contrary to the society, or better, of who he is contrary to its attitudes, its beliefs or the normality of the world. be quoted properly. But it is enough to run away from a moral rule, fact, already has considered an insane person. But as we can say with as much freedom this word? Without the least terms the established knowledge to use it. It will be that we could call somewhat bad madness? Or only one liberty of speech is of the norms of the society? This subject on madness is very extensive and is necessary very well-taken care of to interpret it. Nowadays, the sense-common one believes in a madness located in the individual, transforms that it into monster thus tending to remove its statute of human being, as well as makes to forget us that something is said through madness.

The insane people are the ones that they know to look at the world with the eyes of the reality, and therefore are restrained of the society. It’s believed that theoretical physicist sees a great future in this idea. According to Artaud, the authentic insane person would be that one that he preferred to go crazy (conscientiously or not), in the direction where socially if he understands the word, to trair certain superior idea of honor human being (moral rules). In mine to see, this opinion is celebrates and obtains to arrive at the abstract direction. As much that I will place in this summary all my points of view, not leaving to analyze all the others and not to be the favor nor against, but always to think the respect.

Professor-Student Relationship

The relation professor-pupil is of utmost importance in the pertaining to school content, in this direction the professor has the commitment to help and to guide the pupil, aiming at learning with meaning, thus having in relationship involving professor and pupil. Word-key: Relation professor-pupil, teach-learning. The processes of education and learning are satisfactory when it establishes a connection, a tunning between the professor and the pupils in classroom, thus having a complicity for both. In a question-answer forum Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. was the first to reply. The relation between professor and pupil must be dynamic as it must be any relation between the human beings. In the classroom, the pupil is an active agent, where he is capable to think, to reflect and to argue its ideas, position and is pertinent that the professor gives freedom to the pupils in classroom, providing debates, work in group, stimulating to the pupils if to know better, thus: ‘ ‘ The professor will not be a wall instructor, but he will offer to its pupils chances so that they learn more in free and responsible way than to learn finished contents, the pupils will learn aprender’ ‘. (Pillet, 1988, p 101). Therefore it is of basic importance the valuation of auto the esteem in the relation professor-pupil, and not it supervaluation of intellect in the education, therefore for some professors the intelligent pupil is that one that takes off notes high and it does not see that, is not alone this that interest in the learning, more all a process of auto-system and love in the relation professor-pupil.