Chemical Peels Mesotherapy
Every year there are more and more followers of fashion priverzhennitsy and procedures such as Botox, mesotherapy face, contour plastic, chemical peels. So what's the popularity of these techniques lies …? It may be they are imposed on women advertising beauty clinics or fashion standards dictated by glossy magazines? So say the opponents of invasive techniques, but their criticism ignores the fact that a woman's desire to be beautiful, as well as society's need to create and modify standards of beauty appeared in ancient times, not to mention the fact that the media and the clinic could not be to blame. Since ancient times, women want to be beautiful, like the public's wish to make this beauty appropriate to certain standards made the beautiful half of humanity to make certain sacrifices, to use the insecure, often toxic cosmetics esperimentirovat various ineffective and even harmful treatments – all in order to move the aging process. In the struggle for beauty throughout history women were ready for anything. And, if they had the opportunity, like so many modern, choosing between fear and the possibility to prolong youth, they would not hesitate for a minute 'formed under the surgeon's knife. " Now seeing 'the first signs of aging', in which there is no need. And all this thanks to the most fashionable procedures, in which so many critics. Meanwhile, because of the rapid growth in popularity of invasive techniques, Most women can solve their problems without plastic surgery – it was thanks to the success of invasive cosmetic effect of mesotherapy person, contouring and Botox – closer to the effect of surgical intervention.
But unlike him, when they are selected otstutstvuet complex poseoperatsionny period, the risk associated with the incorrect formation of scars and the need for subsequent correction, as well as of postoperative complications. Of course, and these procedures when referring to non-professionals can be complications. But without a theoretical possibility of complications can not be a single procedure. Even the 'harmless' mask made in 'Beauty Salon' woe-beautician can lead to very unpleasant complications in the form of scarring and other serious consequences. In addition to invasive cosmetic, and develop a variety of 'support' procedures, such such as myostimulation person. Myostimulation person helps to make it more oval taut, smooth wrinkles and restore it fresh. The impact of the current causes the facial muscles to contract.
Thus is their training. With regular exercises to train hard to face all the muscle groups responsible for its contours to the same effect as opposed to the current, it does not provide a uniform and symmetric effects on all appropriate muscle groups. Another procedure is equally useful as a youth to a deep cleanse the skin and into adulthood for the rejuvenation of a chemical peel. Chemical peels can help with selection concentration of active ingredients, adjust the depth of the skin. Depth effects on the skin using a chemical piliga can be very different – from surface cleaning, to start the process of deep regeneration of the skin, as a result of which she literally 'cleaned' of wrinkles – is bright and fresh. Whatever procedure you choose – a person mesotherapy, chemical peels or Myostimulation – nebhodimo remember that only professional approach will ensure their effectiveness and safety.