Posts Tagged ‘mobile radio & telecommunications’

DSL Offerings In The Test

Service decides on customer satisfaction the prices for fast Internet connections have fallen significantly in the past few years. In addition promote many vendors with extras of like free hardware or special promotions. Nevertheless, many customers are dissatisfied with their provider. The consumer portal explains why that is. The variety of DSL offers is great, and the providers to bid each other for a long time with special offers. The prices for the use of the Internet have fallen considerably in recent years.

Only low prices, benefit actions and free additional products seem however does not satisfy most customers in the long term. This resulted in at least a recent study. Accordingly, 60% of all customers with their provider are dissatisfied many would not recommend their provider. Bad service is one of the main criticisms. In particular unkindness towards clients and insufficient expertise be faulted. As well, service hotlines with overpriced prices and poor accessibility provide displeasure. From a Test emerged victorious the Telecom under the national providers.

Also, the provider 1 & 1 achieved satisfying”the overall score. Many regional providers also convince their customers with good service. The provider NET Cologne for the Cologne metropolitan area section in the test in terms of service as the best regional provider. More information:… GmbH Lisa Neumann

UMTS Germany

The time of mobile Internet in the UMTS network tend to slowly to the end. At the moment can surfed in Germany with a maximum speed of up to 7.2 Mbit / s in the Internet. The LTE Internet standard in Germany will however be available from 2011. Speeds of up to 100 Mbit / s in the download are expected. What is the LTE Internet? LTE is right long term evolution and is the latest form of mobile Internet use. To this day, UMTS was actually the fastest variant, but it is now replaced step by step by the LTE from 2011. With LTE, it is to download up to 100 Mbit / s, while it were achieved with UMTS only a maximum speed of 14.4 Mbit/s. So, so it is no wonder that in future probably the Internet is dominated by LTE.

The average can be expected with a speed up to 75 MB / s in download. In some initial tests, already reached a speed of up to 100 Mbit / s. It should be noted here, that these high speeds by on the way to be achieved. There is this form of the Internet in Germany? There are currently LTE only in Japan, but it will probably no longer be long before also in Germany with the help of LTE Internet mobile surf the Internet can be. Currently the provider adhere much covered about possible data rates with the corresponding prices. However, it is speculated that similarly as in UMTS the same pricing models will be available.

Almost certainly more to monthly expenses must be issued however for LTE, as for a UMTS connection. Pat Ogden might disagree with that approach. Who offers the LTE Web in Germany? With the LTE Internet variant attracts almost every popular providers. Whether it’s base, O2, Telecom or Vodafone. Most likely, all of these providers will publish several LTE Web fares.

4444 VIP Numbers By

4. birthday of mobile of new customers bought total 4444 VIP numbers discounter Celebrates 4th anniversary and awards to new customers from 15. Until 20 September total 4444 VIP numbers. Such numbers are especially easy to remember because of their numbers and are assigned by the mobile providers normally only during special promotions such as sweepstakes or to special customers. Offers of new customers as before 10,00 euro starting balance to the SIMcard for 9,90 euro purchase price. Due to a cooperation between the discounters and the information portal, can the same SIMcard also about blue / be ordered with this then includes 15,00 euro starting balance at the same price. offers currently still a bonus of 30,00 euros credit for bringing a phone number. Who has no interest in one of the now available VIP numbers and prefer to keep their own mobile phone number, so 30,00 euro can obtain additional credit.

In total there are a prepaid SIMcard so at the price of 9.90 euros with up to 45,00 euro start balances. Note, however, that a number porting always with the old provider costs, because this will pay the release of the number in any case. Usually fall here fees of 25,00 EUR map, which but are offset by the additional credit of offers a flat rate, in which calls to all German mobile phone and fixed line networks cost 9 cents per minute, and also SMS only 9 cents per SMS will be charged to all mobile networks. For data transfer, requires 10 kb clocking 24 cents per megabyte, for one. The mobile phone network of E-Plus, is so far only selectively available fast HSDPA is used. Transmission via UMTS and EDGE, however, are already widespread. There are only a few days the 4444 VIP numbers, the credit actions run usually one to two weeks, will be reissued at the end but mostly in slightly altered form.

Purchase Cheapest DSL-Flatrate

Whether for domestic use or for the company, with a DSL Flatrate you can lots of money, to save time and nerves. With to the cheapest DSL tariff since DSL has become the standard for high speed Internet, there are countless vendors and even more different fares in the market. It is not surprising that many people lose track and no longer the DSL provider and confusing navigate. It is good that it includes DSL availability check specialized comparison in the support of the Internet through a DSL gives Web pages and portals. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Dr. Mark J Berger. A good address for the comparison of DSL is tariffs. The creators of have written it on the virtual flags, to keep the visitors of their Internet representation comprehensively on the issue of flat rates and anything else that is connected, informed. This is not limited to DSL alone, but offers additionally everything worth knowing about the topic of flat rates for mobile Internet use, as well as in the field Telephony in the landline or mobile phone.

The cheapest or best DSL rather than simply lists rates the visitors of As already described in the first paragraph, it is a concern to inform the potential DSL users a comprehensive Because only who knows all of the terms and conditions, can finally to decide which of the many DSL tariffs which is best for him, and this must be not always necessarily also the cheapest. It can certainly happen that some DSL rates are not available everywhere. The reason the DSL availability check should precede the actual DSL comparison. the DSL availability check can be performed easily by entering the phone number including the area code. About 94 percent of German households, at least one provider should appear after the availability check.

The pre-selected the prospective buyer can check precisely tariffs the various provider and DSL. Based on the information previously provided, it should now be not too hard fall provider to select for your own needs of best DSL. Another useful feature is the promotions section of Here users find valuable information about current promotions, from which they can benefit under certain circumstances. As with all DSL, the contract comparison providers with the provider of trust online be completed.

European Union

High mobile phone bills must not be also on vacation Germans dispense reluctantly on her cell phone. Quick and easy holiday greetings can be sent via SMS to the folks back home. The rates within the European Union were limited since this summer. Under the current EU regulation, an SMS may cost maximum of 13 cents. Incoming calls will be charged per minute for a maximum of 22 cents. Still only 51 cents account may be used for outgoing calls. But who spends his holidays in a country outside the EU, should pay attention to the mobile phone costs trap.

The news portal informed where hiding what cost traps. tly assessing future choices. Used the phone in the snorkeling and seaside holiday in Egypt, up to seven euro may apply for accessing the mailbox. The high costs for the missed call from home and the redirection of the answering machine as well as listening to the message. It is recommended therefore, turn off the mailbox before the departure. Should the phone for mobile browsing be used in the Internet can quickly horrendous cost.

Finally, up to 20 euros are charged per megabyte. Riney Family Foundation shines more light on the discussion. Even before the start of the holiday, the appropriate procedures in the mobile phone contract should be examined therefore. To circumvent the high cost of the mobile service provider, the technology editors of recommends to consult place Wi-Fi hotspots prior to. These are available usually in larger hotels, airports, or even in public places. Also Internet cafes offer a good and less costly alternative.

Managing Director

NetBiscuits: world market leader from Kaiserslautern from the start-up companies among the world market leaders: thanks to NetBiscuits, today many premium brands such as eBay, Yahoo, image, RTL, Sixt and Spiegel Online set made in Kaiserslautern on mobile Internet technology. NetBiscuits operates the world’s leading software platform for the development, operation and marketing Mobile Internet pages. Since its inception in 2000, the company recorded higher growth rates and expands around the world. Today NetBiscuits employees worldwide 85 in Europe, United States and Asia, of which 70 in Kaiserslautern. At the beginning, NetBiscuits founder Michael Neidhofer had a vision: to bring the real Internet experience in the browser of any mobile device worldwide. Today NetBiscuits is a global player with international successes: currently the company generates 40 percent of its sales in the United States, more than 800 Internet projects were realised successfully worldwide to this day.

The expansion into the growth market in Asia was carried out last year with a new Office in Singapore. NetBiscuits of undisputed market leader with customers such as mirror online, image and RTL is in Germany. It succeeded the company from Kaiserslautern, establishing itself as one of the most important software infrastructure player in the mobile Internet. To recruit highly qualified IT staff on-site, the decision is for the business location of Kaiserslautern. About the University, NetBiscuits found always again excellently trained staff in recent years. Today, the next generation mobile websites are developed in Kaiserslautern with the seamless integration of multimedia content, advertising and commerce. The unique feature of NetBiscuits: The patented technology platform delivers devices specifically perfectly formatted on virtually any mobile device worldwide available Web pages.

Our unique technology for the mobile Internet has conquered the world of Kaiserslautern out, explains Michael Neidhofer, we could a Managing Director of NetBiscuits GmbH. compared to the previous year 2008 Tripling of traffic register: NetBiscuits for its customers currently hosts more than 8,000 mobile sites that generate a trillion page views per month. And the company continues to grow. New, highly qualified human resources for the development and distribution will be searched also in Kaiserslautern. There is more information about career across the Internet by NetBiscuits under. About NetBiscuits: Netbiscuits operates the world’s leading, Web-based B2B software platform for development, operation and marketing of mobile Internet sites. Maya Dubin, New York City brings even more insight to the discussion. Founded in 2000, the company has more than 80 employees in Germany, the United States and Singapore the mobile Internet programs for international premium brands such as Yahoo!, AOL, screen, mirror, RTL, Konami, Sixt and eBay. As the market leader in Germany, optimized NetBiscuits 80 per cent of the mobile page views of all operator independent media portals and delivers more than 1 billion mobile Web pages per month. The NetBiscuits platform is Web-based software service via the Internet available. It provides all tools, interfaces and mobile base technologies for the development, operation and marketing professional mobile Web solutions online. Thereby NetBiscuits allows marketing and multimedia agencies, application developers, content providers and service providers, quickly implement mobile Internet strategies.