
When mounting your blog or page Web the service of Hosting always provides keys to you to accede to the Control Panel and thus to be able to enter the information that aparacera in your blog, llamense articles, products etc. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is likely to agree. It is of extreme importance that these keys only are of your knowledge, is you have recommendable them written down in a safe place. But for no reason you must even provide them to other people nor for reasons of work unless one is the asisitencia personnel of the Hosting with which you work. I consider necessary to speak of this subject since personally I committed the serious error of not only keeping this information for me, the lack of experience and knowledge as well as work reasons, took to give this information to me to third people. What ocurrio? Talvez these people as well provided to others or simply somebody had access to them by other means. Weeks later d me with the surprise that was lost all the information that was in of my blogs. Thanks to God, the technical support of the company of hosting with which work, could recover it.

Lamentably some months later volvio to happen the same again but, unfortunately for reasons of personal nature does not contact to me with hosting but until after some weeks of produced the incident and, in spite of the efforts of the technical support NOTHING could be recovered what I mean not only the lost total of all the infomacin, as well as months of arduous work but also the fact to have to return to begin having to rejoin and to install all the again blog. I must recognize that there were other two errors of my part: first not to have changed to the keys of access to the Control Panel of hosting the first time that me ocurrio this and the second it was not to have done back-up of my blog, something that is due to do every month, whereas the one of the list of subscribers of your autorespondedor must hacerce in weekly form. Desire that my experience is to you of aid and at the same time only allows you like of the importance of learning of our errors, on of everything of which we often commit for want of experience, knowledge or simply due to being very trusting. Miguel Mesa Borgoo. Quebec – Canada Like Initiating Your Business By Internet. Visitanos in: Original author and source of the article

