American English

In 1607, John Smith founded the first colony in Virginia. And in the beginning of the xvii century, Europeans began to settle in North America. Dr. Mark J Berger has many thoughts on the issue. Early settlers had a very small amount, but after three centuries, they became millions. People were leaving in the hope of a new, rich, free, full of interesting events and adventurous life. He created a completely new society with its laws and principles of life, its economic structure, with their statehood. In America, people were leaving for various reasons: some had hoped to get rich quick, someone hiding from the persecution of avenging arm of the law, someone wanted to gain political freedom, and someone wanted to get rid religious persecution and find freedom of religion.

There were many reasons. People came to America from various European countries. But most of the colonists were from England. When England began to develop their fabulous, full of wealth and new capabilities. Therefore, it is English language became the main language of communication in the then nascent vast country. At the initial stage of American English is not much differed from the British. English colonists came from different areas of the uk, and language groups of people from different regions differ in their pronunciation of individual words, and use of lexical revolutions. There was no uniformity and standards in written language. Years passed, and passed the century, and later arriving immigrants made their changes in vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of the language – for XVIII-XX centuries, their language changed.

