Posts Tagged ‘Diseases’

Oncology Patients

Recent advances in electronics and optics, and the creation of new endoscopic instruments have greatly expanded ability to diagnose and treat patients with neoplastic diseases of different localization. Now is not the secret that the execution holitsistektomii (removal of the gall bladder) in 95%, and appendectomy (removal of the appendicular process), 86% performed laparoscopically. As a result, the appearance of sophisticated in its capabilities videopriborov many operations that previously could be achieved only by open, it was possible to perform minimally invasive technique using. Videohirurgiya reduces trauma and surgery in many respects facilitates the surgical diagnosis to conservative treatment, to evaluate the effectiveness of a previous treatment has helped to solve the problem of differential diagnosis and leads to a reduction in length of stay patients in the hospital. Advantages over traditional videohirurgii surgical technique in oncology: rapid onset of a special treat small traumatic cosmetic effect of reducing the frequency and severity of complications decreased need for medication reduction in length of hospitalization These advantages make VATS ideal method for diagnosis and treatment of elderly patients and patients who have recently conducted chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy. Thoracoscopy (videohirurgicheskoe intervention on organs of the chest) allows access to all structures of the chest. As a rule, thoracoscopy performed through small ports with a diameter of 15 mm. It allows, as amended by biopsy of tissue and ligation of vessels and bronchi.

In addition to the visualization of all segments of the lung, thoracoscopy provides access to peritrahealnym lymph nodes. Using thoracoscopy (Mini-Cams) in combination with conventional surgical instruments has led to videoassistirovannoy thoracoscopic surgery, which provides access into the chest cavity to the same extent as the thoracotomy. The size of the cut in videoassistirovannoy thoracoscopic surgical procedure can vary from a small 4-5cm to 15-20cm. Thoracoscopic surgery is less painful and traumatic procedure than thoracotomy. Operations performed torakosopicheskim access: space-occupying lesions biopsy, lung resection, lobectomy (removal of an entire lobe of the lung), removal of mediastinal tumors of various localization. Laparoscopy (videohirurgicheskoe intervention for abdominal and pelvic organs) allows safe for the patient to carry out interventions such as resection liver, nephrectomy (kidney removal), adrenalectomy (removal of the adrenal gland), surgery on the gastrointestinal tract of various sizes, resection of the ovaries, myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids), hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). Such a plan hi-tech operations are carried out under general anesthesia in the operating-equipped with modern equipment. Small skin incisions made for access to the abdominal or thoracic cavity sutured cosmetic intradermal sutures after that do not are left with scars. At this point, almost all surgical interventions in oncology at the initial stages of the process may perform videohirurgicheskim way without violating the fundamental ways of oncology.

Cure Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the hip (Koxarthrose) According to the directives of the German Society of Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery (NOOH) and the Professional Association of Orthopedic Specialists (PAO), the main causes of osteoarthritis hip joints are: 1.Posledstviya injury: the destruction of cartilage, acetabular sustavnoyvpadiny, hip dislocation, fracture, contusion of the femoral head, femoral neck fractures, poor circulation vessels, supplying the femoral head, the axial deviation of bones after fractures. 2. Congenital anomalies of the hip: the deformation of the acetabulum – dysplasia, strains of hip-Coxavalga, Coxavara, Coxaantetorta head and strain hip. 3.Priobretennye deformation, Perthes disease, epiphysiolysis. Inflammatory hip: bacterial, rheumatic, metabolic diseases, necrosis of the femoral head due to injury, the use of drugs, alcoholism, renal disease, decompression sickness.

4. Consequence of other diseases: osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases, cardiovascular diseases, neurological disorders and cancer. Unclear idiomatic reasons. Important facts that may affect the development of osteoarthritis: previously conducted operations on the hip joints and blood vessels, intra-articular injection, tumors, or metastases in the affected limb, thrombosis and embolism medications: blood thinners (eg, hormone and aspirin), metformin, drugs, contributing to an increase in bone metabolism (eg, cortisone) allergies, obesity, different leg length, change the axis of the legs, recurrent urinary tract infections, dialysis. Prevention and prevention of hip osteoarthritis: the restoration of joint congruency after injury, adequate treatment of hip fractures, prompt treatment of injuries, necrosis, dysplasia, to avoid overburdening in sporting activities, corrective osteotomies, reconstructive surgery on the femoral head and acetabular osteochondral reconstructive surgery. Characteristic symptoms of osteoarthritis of hip joints: pain in the joints when getting up from bed at the beginning of movement (walking, running), knee pain, pain in the hip joint during exercise and movement limitation and difficulty in moving sideways, rotation and flexion, pain while reducing the muscle, lameness, muscle atrophy, pain at rest, pain in the back.