Percent Business Discount

Not a little presumptuous sounds the heading? We are talking not like many others in the Internet by eventual or one can determine. 30% trade discount is an integral part of our content in the Web shop. A commercial pledge which is adhered to. Anchored not in text form, which can be changed quickly, but in the image of the content. To publish in supposedly economically bad times to make such claims and the Internet is measured, mean our auditors. When we published this content, we were aware, also to be able to deliver on that promise.

The Lotex staff know of their target groups. B2B belongs to our industry customers such as B2C. Both enjoy the same commercial treatment. To arm themselves through a Web shop or to build a such online shop in the business logistics in existing companies, requires hard work. The right time, to the opening of a Web shop to Choose – there are not. A guide must find each operator for themselves whose leadership. We have learned to deal with online customers, in the auction site eBay.

At this point our thanks to dreilinden. But too much money, time and nerves brought this kind of goods distribution with itself. Our Web shop, however, will be on February 25, 2009 – at the age of 2. Today we need to rework every day especially in the descriptions and image formats. But this Web shop has a simple marketing strategy. The customers with products to amaze the quality and the price. \”A unausgedachte idea, motif bags\” for sale, was the beginning. We noticed that just the bags market in Germany hard scramble is underway, it was already too late. From an initial idea was serious. New customers aquirierten in the online shop itself and ordered corresponding quantities of consumption.


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