San Medicinal
Nukak Mak (Guaviare) – Location: near the border between Colombia and Brazil. – Population: 1,163 natives survived in their natural reserve, but they have migrated towards the environs of San jOse of the Guaviare and disappeared little by little. – Language: mak – Puinave. – Culture: It is considered like the last nomadic tribe of Colombia, live in temporary campings on which is changed whenever they exhaust the resources that the Earth offers to them in that place. The men practice the hunting, especially of mico, and the women are in charge of seedtime. They have allowed the polygamy.
10. Kans (Putumayo) – Location: its valley territory of the Sibundoy is shared with the Inga community, second of the department. – Population: 4,022 natives. – Language: Kams. – Culture: This culture has a near relation with the medicinal plants to connect itself with this world and, even, further on so that the deceaseds they rest. For this spiritual connection they use the figure of chamn and yag. Agriculture is the base of its feeding, as well as only the experts of the tribe dedicate themselves to seedtime of the medicinal plants. As far as the cattle ranch, this one more is related to the production of milk. The families are numerous, and the parents and grandparents represent the authority. Other tribes Magadalena: Snha, Chimila Atlantic: Mokan Sucre: Zen Antioch: Tule It hit: Waunaan The Cauca: Paez, Yanacona, Coconuco I graze: Awa Huila: Dujo Tolima: Pijao Guaviare: Guayavero Goal: Achagua, Piapoco Casanare: Saliva Santander: Guane North of Santander: Guane Boyac: Tunebo Araucan: Chiricoa, Makaguaje Amazon: Muiname, Yagua, Cocama Vichada: Cuiba, Sikuani, Puinave Original author and source of the article.