US Congressional Committee
Banks threaten new depreciation in Millardenhohe the list of vulnerable real estate fund reaches ever greater proportions. a dramatic depreciation threatens the real estate funds in American banks. But German banks are like the Deutsche Bank are affected. The reason: Commercial real estate lose enormously in value in the United States. When tenants fail or insolvent will decrease revenue for the corresponding property. High prices are due to high vacancy rates by the Wirschaftskrise and numerous bankruptcies in the economy no longer to achieve.
The rental rates for Burogenbaude, factories and apartments are under pressure. Often be to achieve 50% of the rental prices that were paid in 2007. That the funds of investment banks very speculative were addressed, is particularly problematic. Real estate purchased with up to 90% and more on credit. The bubble was rising rents and real estate prices. Now bring vacancy rates and falling rents the back loans in financial trouble. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Ahmed Shary Rahman. Many banks, German the loss payments is forcing high depreciation.
The size will assume the losses in the long term remains to be seen, but a US Congressional Committee believes that almost half of the loans, $700 billion, are bad. This means that the borrower owes more money than its real estate is worth. More negative headlines are not to exclude the consequences for the economy would be fatal: 40 percent of America’s banks could threaten the bust, what might trigger new actually Turobolenzen in the financial markets. Lena Schmidt