Posts Tagged ‘products and services’


Size does matter Choosing the refrigerator, usually begins with a definition of its size. If the kitchen is large enough, and the means you are not limited to, the better to get a big roomy refrigerator. Maybe even two separate unit – tall roomy fridge freezer and cupboard under the worktop. Another option – Refrigerator Side-By-Side. To read more click here: Glenn Dubin. They are not too high, but very wide, with two located next door, swing open in opposite directions (hence the name). However, these models are more expensive and take up much space bolshe.Esli size of the kitchen does not allow you to get a broad "American" or "Asians", we have to go on the way "Old Europe" – to buy high narrow refrigerator. At the same time check as to whether the size of doorways and corridors of your apartment to carry the purchase to the place of permanent placement.

ONE, TWO, THREE … In the days of our grandmothers were the most common single-chamber refrigerator, freezer, which was located at the top of the refrigerator compartment. Now they are buying much less. No doubt, the single-chamber refrigerator is a distinct advantage – they are much cheaper, and take up less space. But they are less and by volume. Especially "suffer" freezer, which is reduced in volume so that it can accommodate only one-two chickens.

In Basically, if the family is small, then this can be a freezer. However, we must remember that in this type of freezer temperature is generally higher than in a separate freezer refrigerator, respectively deadlines storage of frozen products will be less. In recent years a proliferation of single-chamber refrigerator (not freezer) and a twin freezers. Models such as generally designed for large kitchens. There are freezers with a horizontal door (freezing chests). The most common are the refrigerator, in which freezing and refrigeration branch separated from each other and have different doors.

Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarette – a better alternative to tobacco products! Electronic Cigarettes are an excellent, healthy alternative to the usual cigarettes and pipes. Studies have shown that the electronic cigarette is absolutely safe to human health, because it excluded the combustion process and therefore does not appear harmful chemicals. The principle of electronic cigarettes based on the ultrasonic spray nikotinosoderzhaschey liquid or the generation of cold vapor of this liquid. The electronic cigarette is able to control dependence on nicotine, the more both physically and psychologically. Available in "cartridges" with varying nicotine content: beznikotinovy, easy, medium and strong. This cartridge is equivalent to approximately to 1 pack of traditional cigarettes! In addition there are a variety of flavors for electronic cigarette, for example: cherry, coffee and others. Advantages: – No usual bad breath, the hands and clothes.

– All flavors – natural. – Do not have a huge amount of dangerous compounds such as benzene, carcinogens and cyanide. Only nicotine and water! – No passive smoking. – Fire, you can smoke in airplanes, trains, at work, at home. – You do not need an ashtray. – Alternative Addiction! The purified nicotine is addictive and relaxing effect way, when the receptors in the brain. Further limits the flow of blood to the heart muscle so that the pressure increases. As described earlier, the classical electronic cigarette consists of interchangeable