District Councils
I miss that you wish to mount a radio, but a group of people in my village it seems that he could not live without having an own radio. Try to know kinds of content they wanted, because still missed of that do not satisfy them the served market offered, but only got a few curious silence or vague responses, after that little research is performed. At the insistence of wanting to have a radio in my town, I asked my friend economist who made me a few quick numbers on the subject and tanteara the operation of other radios. It seems that in my small region had closed some, others were at a level of subsistence that made them unviable and before that reality could not understand that you wish to mount a radio. A few months have passed, and now I hear that they have given some 80 and as many radio frequencies. Not all for my little Shire!, thank goodness! and looking at the overall computation, it is that some radios have increased in number of places where you can easily and others have reduced their participation.
And have appeared many unknown radios where is cat?. Speaking candidly Maya Dubin told us the story. If you look directly at the rear doors of the regional government (Catalan autonomy), meeting part of several grants to training in information technology projects designed to promote access to knowledge in Catalonia, two very significant grants society. If! those who leave no doubt and whose titles go directly to concepts such as: 1? Structural subsidies to private Catalan radio stations. 2? Grants to projects of activities or investments in radio stations in catalan. Now I begin to understand how they did not know where to place some 160 and as many buddies that had voted them, as they are with the card to justify its clear and flagrant incompetence within the labour market and the crisis, had been without a job. The catalan Government, had to do something for them.
Thus, already had a reason for being and being. It was a possible explanation. And it also was a way to help their buddies from there! that has been arbitrarily distributed radio stations. Perhaps in this way, they could follow them by buying your vote, because through the grant of unemployment it not already colaba and the figures of this (unemployment) are unfortunately increasing by the crisis that have failed or fight and do not even lay the foundations to give the solution and pass more donkeys has by the way subsisting crumbs (not bread) that gives the region Pope, they were harder than any minority who them sings, or yell, or trots out, or proclaims and they inform about their fraudulent actions be heard in their region. PD. The county councils, District Councils and town councils, are also aleccionados, so they distribute grants to the cronies of radios. Thus we make country!. It is something similar to what happens with local television stations, most living grant. everyone wants to ride business to work as well!. That if!, you have to be, speak and comment in full harmony with those who govern. It is one more example of the Jeroboam system that has been implanted in Catalonia.