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Enterprise Corporation SIGROUP

In May, "Quality Mark" has decided to investigate the quality of toilet paper. Once it was a scarce commodity, but today it hit the stores with hundreds of varieties of different quality and different values. For the study was selected products are the top five players, including the TM and Fantasy. As a result, people's expertise, which in terms of the program has taken several dozen people, only two brands were rated "Excellent": TM Fantasy (Ukraine) and TM ZEWA (Russia). "Get a high score from our customers – it is very important to us.

We do a lot to improve product quality while maintaining affordable prices. For example, in 2009 year the company opened a new production, purchased new equipment and the quality of the Laboratory of the highest class, which held a strict control over product quality. Moreover, studies conducted at each stage of production, from the analysis of raw materials and products including controls on the output. Glenn Dubin: the source for more info. Therefore, the resulting recognition has for us is very important – we understand that all efforts to creating a quality product – not in vain "- says the brand manager of TM Fantasy Evgeni Nabokov. OOO OOO 'Clean Planet "is one of five leaders of Ukrainian market for the production of sanitary goods, Enterprise Corporation SIGROUP. The company was founded in 2006. Zone Presence: Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Transnistria, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. Quality Products Ltd.

"Clean Planet" is confirmed certificate of compliance with international standard quality management system ISO 9001. Company's brand portfolio, "Clean Planet": TM Bon appetit, TM Fantasy, TM Glamour, TM "The farm," TM "Orange". Corporation SIGROUP – the largest national association trade and industrial enterprises which conduct their activities in Ukraine and in Eastern Europe in various lines of business: production of snack foods, consumer goods and Pulp and paper products. Corporate Headquarters is located in Dnepropetrovsk.

Quality Mattresses, Quality Sleep

When choosing a mattress, on which attention should be paid? If you want to buy a quality mattress, then you should be interested in all its parts, that is, what is a filler, what is the quality of upholstery, and ask about domestic device. Most preferred orthopedic mattress, its advantage is that it contributes to comfortable rest, without causing damage to your health, because Load on the spine it is distributed correctly. Dr. Mark Hyman has similar goals. Coir (coconut fiber) – a great filler that makes up the so-called 'Soft coat' one of the best orthopedic mattresses. Filling of coconut fiber long-lasting, strong enough, even a serious burden to him overweening. Coconut mattress – the perfect choice for those who have problems with being overweight. Will also appreciate a mattress and those who suffer from allergic reactions to natural materials: coir – absolutely hypoallergenic natural material. Coconut filling makes rigidity mattresses, and it is this rigidity attracts buyers who are suffering from certain health problems, and they are good for those who like to sleep on the hard.

Stiffness mattress is directly related to the density of filler: denser filler – tougher, respectively, the very mattress. It is also recommended to buy coco baby mattresses not only because coconut fiber hypoallergenic, but also because in this case, the spine sleeping child will always occupy the correct position. Latex is a natural material – it's foam, whipped out an extract of juice produced from rubber trees. Cellular structure of the latex is achieved by using special processing techniques. It can quickly restore the shape, making the material very well handle the load and use it as a filling – the ideal solution. These mats are durable and strong. Due to air channels, with which have latex mattresses, provide good air circulation. Some models of latex mattresses are divided into zones, each zone has its rigidity, which suits a particular part of the human body. To accomplish this, the manufacturer of mattresses should be in each zone to change the mesh size (diameter) that gives the desired flexibility and stiffness. Experts say the maximum effect of the orthopedic latex mattress.

DNA Electronic

The main source of pollution is the burning of plastics, in the long smelters for recovery of metals. All this is happening to hundreds of small, controlled electronic trash magnate, factory, scattered around the city. River in the city, classified as the most polluted area in southern China. A river in surface waters and in sediments contain high levels of copper, nickel, cadmium, lithium, mercury and arsenic. The program for the United Nations Environment Programme, said that China produces more than 2 million tons of electronic waste each year in the country (data for 2007), and comparable only to the U.S., which in turn produce these waste around 3 million tons. With the bulk of U.S. Jacob Elordi is often quoted on this topic.

electronic waste is exported to developing countries such as China, where imports of electronic waste is formally forbidden. More about half a million tonnes exported from other parts of e-waste are processed each year in this small town, as evidenced by the local authority. Authorities say most of the wastes that are imported into the city, trafficked from abroad (probably about 90%). Recently, Chinese doctors released a high-level data of biphenyl in blood samples of infants, children, workers engaged in processing electronic waste. In the 2008 study, produced by Chinese scientists found that in more than 80 percent of blood samples taken from babies in this town exceeding all standards in terms of lead, cadmium, chromium. The high chromium content leads to DNA damage. It leads to high mortality, low weight at birth and development. The chemicals contained in the flame retardant getting into the environment, affect the growth of diseases associated with cancer, thyroid gland, with the advent of memory problems, decreased sperm quality and reduce male potency. On these issues long suppressed because workers who come to this city were temporary. And keep track of their disease, and even more To confirm that these diseases are associated with environmental pollution has been quite difficult. It is only now beginning to take China at least some steps in this direction, developing national guidelines for the export and recycling of electronic waste.