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Green Marketing Education

Although the environmental writings have attempted to influence all human activities, few academic disciplines have become interested in environmental issue through its literature. This is most evident when it comes to marketing. While society has increased its interest in the environment, businesses have so far begun to modify their behavior in an attempt to address the "society's concerns." In fact, there are many problems affecting the planet: the deterioration of the ozone layer, the decline of wild fauna and flora, warming on the rise, the transport of waste pollutants from developed to developing countries, the decline in id h rich resources, deforestation and others. Today it is seen less frequently, or at least not as well known, that the great business leaders are facing ecologists. Investments in environmental technology, estimated at billions of dollars, are the best proof that the traditional antagonism between economy and ecology is going to a surprising reconciliation.

Another test involves the launching of organic products such as phosphate-free detergents, aerosols that do not pollute the ozone layer, automotive catalysts, organic vegetables, recycled drinks packaging, sausages without chemical dyes, mercury-free rechargeable batteries, books made of paper eco and green tourism. The environmental crusade of the most progressive business is becoming one of the paradoxes of the last phase of capitalism. For the first time shows how efforts are made to reconcile business ethics, social responsibility, profitability and quality of life. In the last decade, mainly, some companies have chosen to receive the ecology is not like a heavy obligation, but as a new business opportunity.