Posts Tagged ‘Furniture’

Antique Mailboxes

This article focuses not on the mailboxes, but about the boxes of metal. There are several types of mailboxes. By type of boxes of correspondence can be single-section and multisection. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Alexa Demie. Multisection Metal mailboxes are used at entrances of apartment buildings, single-section metal mailboxes can be used for personal use in entryways, as well as in private homes. One-post racks are designed so that it can be hung on the street and not fear for the safety of his correspondence – he is strong enough, and the mail is protected from moisture. Each section multiple-mailbox has a mortise lock. In addition to these two types of mail boxes, there are also anti-vandal metal mailboxes to the entrance, which is secure from hacking and from getting unwanted flyers. mana.

This is a new mailbox: it is designed so that it was impossible to delete in your mailbox unnecessary and sometimes very annoying leaflets advertising this or that product. Keys to the doors are at pachtolona and only he has the right to put in a box belonging to you the message. Cabinet can be painted with polyester powder paint (standard colors – Antique and light gray color, often often used when painting single-section mailboxes) or pentaphthalic enamel (enamel is dark gray, which is most often used during application of multiple mailboxes). It is best to e-mail box was welded (ie would not have had the possibility of dismantling), which provides greater strength and safety of incoming correspondence.

Joint Rite Parents

Sleep ritual, as a rule, any happy family is the same. Mom puts children in their wooden bed, kisses them, singing a lullaby or telling the kids at night, a fairy tale, the light turns off, leaving only the night-light, dim covering the furniture in the room and leaves, giving the children themselves quietly going to bed. However, this is not always obtained when there is conflict in the family or children are not at all healthy. Suspend the children will be much faster and easier if the family would be worked out a ritual of sleep. For example, if a child is a bunk bed, do not let them rave about actively at night and climb on it. Bed – it's just a place to sleep, but not for games.

Also define your habitual actions before going to bed – wash or bath with herbs, kissing, reading books, relaxing music. Worked out a ritual before bedtime will provide easier and more habitual sleep. Never leave children hurt or not forgiven before bedtime, or your kids can not fall asleep or falling asleep they will have nightmares – for a dream child – a reflection of his waking hours. Overfeeding bedtime, intense mental and physical activity can also be bad for falling asleep during a child. It is not necessary to sort things out before bedtime. Avoid stressful situations and unpleasant conversations. Three rules will help you quickly put the kids in bed. First – put down children in the bed should be at the same time.

Mode – the best helper health. In this case, the biological clock will be off the usual activity of your children. Additional information is available at cardiologist. The room where children sleep, bedtime to ventilate, removing odors and saturate the room with oxygen. Thus, we give the brain an excess of oxygen, from which he will defend himself, and man is sleepy. Next Step – turn off the lights and TV. Removing extraneous sounds, we reassure the brain, and go the extra signals of irritation. Light – is also one of the stimuli the brain. In the absence of light, ie at night, produced a number of hormones needed to man and responsible for cardiovascular activity. So that they abstain from befogging windows and light during sleep – affects the integrity of the protective properties of production in the body. Man for his recovery has to sleep in the dark. Equally important is a bed, mattress, pajamas. Comfortable bed accessories and contribute to a good mood and as a consequence – quiet sleep. Permanent rites of parents at bedtime will help them quickly go to sleep and see good color dreams.

Spin Computer

Health can not buy, and save it, as you know, our own peril. One of the factors affecting the formation of posture in children is wrong landing during training sessions. But many problems in adulthood from childhood … even in school Education now difficult to imagine without a computer. If the execution of the lessons a child spends two hours a day, you notice how much time he spends, such as playing computer games.

Games can serve as a rest and simultaneously be developmental, but it’s important not to forget the correct position the body, either during work or school or during holidays. A few simple tips on how to properly sit at the computer: – Sit up straight – Spin hold exactly, the body, expand strictly to the monitor (you can not sit half-turned) – Feet do not cross your, put both feet firmly on the floor or footboard – Loins slightly arched, resting on the chair – Relax your shoulders, arms relaxed place on the table (or on the keyboard and mouse), relax your fingers – shoulder line should be located directly above the line of the hips – Forearms can be put on the soft armrests at a height such that the wrist located slightly lower than the elbows – hands I shall always be support. – Hands straighten more than half (the angle at the elbow should be above 90 degrees) – The elbows are bent and are about 3 cm from the body – put the keyboard below elbow (if possible) or at their level – keep your head straight, at will – with a slight slope forward – the distance from the monitor to eye must be at least 50cm If you observe these, in fact, simple rules for 3 months then later produced a healthy habit to sit at the table. By the way, remember that the best example for your child – it’s you. Themselves as a sitting at which table, for what? On the board you see computer tables from the catalog online shop furniture But the atmosphere in the room creates not only the furniture! Even the existing familiar furniture you can add new colors to the new school year! Self-adhesive pictures from our collection will create a special mood in the room the student. “We have nothing like it, and well attended” – would say someone from skeptical parents. But is not it great that now their children, we can create more appropriate conditions for work and leisure – a fantastic world in your child’s room! And if you go outside the room and walk around the school where the student spends much of the day? We will not add anything, just give photos of “before” and “after.