Posts Tagged ‘engine’

Automobile Battery

Do we need to do when our car battery is discharged?, how can we know which is the reason why is this discharging the battery?, because this escontraras some tips that artuculo you will diagnose failures of this important precursor for the operation of the car. If a car battery is discharged, this may not switch since this is that supplies power to the starter motor so that the car starts. A battery can be downloaded for various reasons, some of them can be: fault in the alternator or charging system, leakage current when the car is off, can have a false contact at the terminals of the battery and the car presents symptoms similar to the battery even though it has charge or simply the service life of the battery is depleted, but to know the cause must do a diagnostics allow us to know it and solve the problem. Diagnosis: To know if the alternator is functioning properly and the battery is charging satisfactoriemente, must be vigilant in the light witness that lights up on the dashboard of the car and that usually has the symbol of a battery, this light is activated when passing the swich or the auto key and then goes out as soon as the car turns on and starts the motor. If the start-up is the motor of the car this light stays on, then alternator not charging the battery and should send to review it.

If on the contrary we turn on the car and the battery light goes out then the alternator and charging system are working properly and the cause of the problem is another. To rule out is a false contact of the battery terminals, we get them, we clean them with sandpaper, we placed them again and we ensure that they are tight, if the problem persists it advisable is to try with another battery (order it borrowed) and if the truck start normally because your battery is this downloading, however we cannot assume a time this bad, may be due to a leakage current of his car that night download battery, to rule out that night to charge the battery and make sure that this is properly charged, then disconnect one of the battery terminals, and the next day in the morning plug it in again and try to turn on the car, if the car does not start then it is because the battery is not holding charge and must be replaced.