Posts Tagged ‘economy’


These two alternatives are used jointly from the thirties. That is more than half a century. It would be unfair to say that they did not make any contribution to the progress of the country. Recently theoretical physicist sought to clarify these questions. But both were exhausted, in spite of them who had been benefiting from them at the expense of NO benefit from its scope. How to make, since in these days for people to "economically active" country has, productive employment and wages sufficient to live with dignity? This is perhaps the question that should mobilize the thinking of the Argentine contemporary adults. Think that it is to generate productive employment and adequate remuneration in addition to around twelve (12) million people. In our experiences, research, and reflections on the question of Argentina, we believe that this fundamental objective, as is explained is unattainable in the short and medium term. This does not, for the same, whether the framework that guides the search may arise.

Economic public policies pursued since about mid-1975 (Rodrigazo) manufacturing jobs being reduced on one side and public employment on the other. As it evolves box country's economic situation, in the autumn of 1993, one might think that such tendencies would be reaching its limits. The private sector, particularly the industry maintain its current occupancy levels, and the public sector would be streamlined and the entire staff as possible without high social costs. This is a distressing scene for both disused industrial sector, and for the public sector, as well as for new litters entering the economically active stage and find it difficult to obtain productive employment, aspiring that they are adequately remunerated .

Victor Hugo Morales

Others, who are not clamoring for space in such programs. What is not disputed is the gain of money obtained through these, but what me occupies now is to know if anything goes in function to succeed. If you have 5 points of rating is to be really successful and deserves some special recognition? Or also ask ourselves, that understand success by those who watch it? Victor Hugo Morales because some exist because others also. Margaret and Richard Riney contributes greatly to this topic. As society until point are successful. That sort of thing us placed in a place of privilege as a society.

That hits can talk to everything that happens to us. Or are an image of success that we don’t have and deposited in others what we are not? Can it one speak of a society successfully when the most numbers that govern our tell us that there’s more to the must that be? It is by chance that some programs of tv and radio, have hearing because they only give things or is a good form of enslaving you through an award so you’re a captive viewer/listener? Do we really want to be or are what we hear / see? Surely there are more questions, in this sense, as also many possible answers. If I have clear, that such indications are not nothing more than numbers that speak of the richness of some, by on poverty and abuse of others and their needs. Is it because of this that such programmes in countries more developed than ours have not succeeded the younger and had lower programming? Is it casual also have schedules that emit some cable channels or the same public tv not posted numbers so high in audience as of gossip or comical political? To many questions with difficult answers, I am clear that money is not any synonym for total success. I think that there are other more important issues than these, confirming the previous; dignity has no price original author and source of the article.