Posts Tagged ‘chronic’

Reflect On Life

When I looked at for the window of the room, vi that the day was gray and a fine drizzle fell. He made cold and I looked for one agasalho. I passed a small blanket for the shoulders and was until the kitchen to prepare a hot tea. I thought about the day that was for starting and which were the important things that I would have that to make. I took the tea I dressed and me. I was until the garage and I left with the car. The day very promised to be of cold. The people in the street passed for me shrunk in its agasalhos, with the crossed arms, preventing the gust of frozen wind that beat in its faces.

The sea was rebels, with high waves that beat furious in sands of the beach. I was when it vi. It was seated in a tree trunk that probably had been dragged until the beach for the tide. I do not know to the certainty what it called my attention for it. It was pretty of a simple form. He was also dressed with simplicity. The hair clear and were cut well short.

The skin was clear and probably the eyes were green. It looked at for the sea, but some seemed not to be seeing thing. I do not know because but I stopped the car, April completely the glass of the window and I was looking at that man. Something in it despertou my attention. Perhaps its solitude, seated there looking at for the nothing. I went down of the car and I came close a little, but keeping a safe distance so that it did not repair in me. Of where I was I could observe its eyes that showed to a deep sadness and discouragement. Loss. I felt a squeeze in my heart and had will to cry. The cold wind beat my face it brought and me in return for the reality. What I made there observing a stranger who seemed to look at for another dimension? I looked at for the sand wet under my feet and gave attention to the noise of the sea. The sea said that the sadness one day would go even so. That perhaps it was hour to recommence. He will be that man also heard the messages of the ocean? It will be that the message for it would be different from whom I was receiving? I deeply breathed the frozen air of that morning I smell and it of maresia invaded my directions. I looked at for the waves, and I remembered that the life takes in them and brings in them in return for our histories. I looked at for solitary man I remembered that the solitude the times is desired. I walked per some minutes for the desert beach, and when I came back, it already was not more there. I looked in all the directions, but not it vi. I came back toward the car and I followed my way. But an emptiness in my heart had been filled.

Ceclia Owner

The agreement was that, to the measure that the cachorrinhos were being born, Raul would tell to the facts the Ceclia Owner, informing the state of same, the so great one, if everything was transcorrendo and the procedures well that it adopted. After all chemical preparation, Raul did not have what to wait very it childbirth to have beginning? in fact already it was the moment, seemed until poodle came waiting its ' ' mdico' ' to deliver its rebentos to it. It was born, thus, first cachorrinho, healthful. Raul dried the poor person carefully, with the shears cut the tip of rabinho, so that the characteristic was formed ' ' pompom' ' when the youngling grew, made a dressing and placed it in cestinha, waiting for the brothers. It came as, third the procedure was if repeating, counting six cezinhos, all healthful ones. Raul told to the facts with the maximum professionalism the Ceclia Owner, who, made an impression and happy, heard everything anxiously walking for the room to the side. The transcorria childbirth tranquilo, until cachorrinho was born seventh. Strange, total different of, dark, bigger, in nothing the excessively similar one to one poodle.

Raul was taken by the diffidence – that aberration would be that one? A mutant dog? Its fertile imagination did not arrive to conjecturar the respect very, therefore already he was tired and animalzinho, as excessively, it needed cares. Soon after to dry it and to evidence that bichinho was healthful, Raul caught the shears to cut the tip of rabinho. However, of this time, the shears opposed to make it the work, already blind for the previous cuts. The blades did not cut, the two tips were folded on the tail of already aflito cozinho. Raul continued trying, without obtaining success and perceiving that he was causing some wounds in rabinho without obtaining to cut it.