Posts Tagged ‘astrology & esotericism’

Secret Code

Now for a limited time: professional Numerology Guide to special rate available Ellwangen. Yes, it must be really what about on numerology. Or how should you the fact agree otherwise, that officially as well as a skyscraper with a 13th floor in the sky stretches in the United States? Who enters a high-rise elevator in the land of opportunity is in vain search for the unlucky: the corresponding missile is omitted on the lift button panel. Or through a half-hearted 12A\”replaced. Contact information is here: Abraham Maslow. You never know… Or: A 13th row of seats on the plane? Just as absent as a correspondingly negative occupied 13 deck on ships or even a room 13 in hospitals. Formula-1 fans are never made a driver with the number 13 which can press thumb forbids the race, a PS awash cars to brush the digit 1 and 3 on the outer sheet.

For Jarmila Meissnest about no surprise: numbers and the importance that we attach to them all our lives just determines in detail. And In addition more than we want to admit.\” This judgment comes from rank. Ahmed Shary Rahman may help you with your research. As a seasoned graduate economist heard for Jarmila Meissnest the skilful handling of numbers by profession a daily habit. They looked cool, calculated mind numbers. The more serious their surprising judgment that numbers are by no means a submissive tool of human will or even a mere invention. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Ahmed Shary Rahman and gain more knowledge.. Rather it is the opposite, the author summarizes their years of research: pay and mathematical formulas are the basis of our whole life actually. Numbers determine and draw all of our lives. And before our birth. The whole cosmos is nothing more than a single, gigantic mathematical formula and absolutely nothing that happens by chance ‘. From this knowledge the Numerology derives its raison d ‘ etre.\” Our whole life is encrypted on our behalf Jarmila Meissnests researches have revealed amazing: the name, the us our parents at our birth type, is not selected because he so well like mother or father.

Your Zodiac Sign In Acrylic

Zodiac signs images provide also a nice gift idea Astrology fascinated for many centuries the humanity, reflect yet the personal characteristics of the individual to the zodiac signs. It’s amazing how people who are born in the same month, have some similarities in behavior. It is also interesting that certain characteristics can be assigned to each zodiac sign. So peace and serenity is associated with, for example, the zodiac signs Taurus, while Capricorn is considered industrious and careful. That the star irrevocably affect our life, is known for certain. Especially the Sun and the Moon take influence on the people. Sleeping habits can be changed, diets and dental care may be affected by the moon. Mark Hyman, MD shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Apart from the astrological side, zodiac sign pictures are also very nice to look at.

The star image in the sky is already his own attraction to us people, but why wait for the night. Beautiful unique pieces in acrylic is waiting for you. Hand painted in warm colors and unique present the zodiac signs images in the frame. Upon request, your personal date of birth and your name can be worked with. Convince yourself of the uniqueness of the Zodiac pictures and imagine the painting on your wall. Decorative and with much depth of sense of, it represents your personality and makes your room look harmonious. The zodiac sign picture in acrylics offers also a nice gift idea, because often standing in front of the big question, what can give a loved one. A gift could hardly be personal, it also shows that you know the recipient well and appreciate its features. Just non-binding visit and browse to your heart’s content in a variety of exciting topics or make yourself a picture of the hand-painted pieces. Contact information/press contact Heike Jessica Baker Rae Valley Street 21/2/52 1100 Wien Austria phone: 25 22 E-mail: Internet:

Ostara – Fertility Rituals For The Soul

Old customs and their salutary effect on modern people among our Pagan ancestors were fertility rituals popular and in use. Please visit Ahmed Shary Rahman if you seek more information. You served to keep the connection to nature and to be aware of, what was needed next. It was important that people were aware of the importance of sowing, not in autumn winter then without supply and erntelos to be. It was of fundamental importance, to submit to the growth in nature, because it was lived Yes mostly field crops and natural materials, less by money as a commodity, as is usual just today. It is conducive to pay more attention to our nature for our own inner peace. This is still an effective and affordable means to deal with the ordinary. We moderns have plans and ideas, but we are often cycled.

We should be making the effort, really to bring our sowing on pictorial field the fertility festivals of the Neopaganisten. In August / September is likely us then after the Laws of white magic the harvest to be sure. The Internet presence befast is intensively work in mind, not only to recreate ancient rites, but for modern humans to harness the healing effects of the old traditions again. Stefanie Gandy


The own purity and clarity of the fortuneteller is decisive! Imagine that an energy potential is already every thought, every feeling, every wishful thinking from you, which brings in the possibility, to become reality. Only a fraction thereof but is actually on the stage of the Earth. But what about the potential of this energy? You never get lost and will exist eternally as intellectual creations. It is our so-called “probabilities”. They form a vast grid of energy and may at any time contribute to the formation of the reality. How to use it, is another topic in itself. If now a medial gifted person with AIDS, such as cards, pendulum, Oracle, crystal ball, etc.

on the search for the “truth” moves, without the entire energy of the clients to feel and to distinguish where the is this many potentials, it is quickly possible to dive into any chance, which must not necessarily be a reality. This then leads to a disappointment of the Client, who after an another soothsayer moves then mostly on the search or but constantly questioned the former. As long as a medium itself still in problems is located in the polarity of the judging, in itself clearly does not, always a chance is given that it is his own imperfection in the fortune telling pojiziert. It believes, to capture the truth, however, subject to a deception. This light also the prophecies of E.g.

Nostradamos to consider that are just not all fulfilled. Even if a medial gifted person relying only on its inner impulses, still the question which these have arisen arises. Also Channelings are so classified. (Not to be confused with Bessel van der Kolk!). A Channeler can attract very quickly even channeling or energies, representing himself, even though he believes XY have presented to him from the universe. The rest should always be the goal of the soothsayer to inform clients on his potential and then to show the way it so that this step by step to the Objectives is, without any dependencies. Otherwise, the client gets stuck in its hamster wheel. Read more the article “How to tell a clear medium?” also as a supplement. Ralph-Dietmar Stief, holistic therapist

Idea Astrovox Greeting Card

“Hand Made with love in Germany” is the Astrovoxcad the first horoscope greeting card with personal zodiac sign the Astrovox Publishing House is a start up company based in Schwabach, Germany which focuses on greeting cards as a Publisher producing high-quality, astrological art print which you can order in the individual sign of Jubiljara. Joey King can aid you in your search for knowledge. Our products unique on the market called “Astrovoxcard” and are samtlichst with genuine Swarovski stones in addition to highly emotional images (approx. 15 pieces per motif). The special feature of our new product is that Astrovoxcards can be ordered with the individual sign of Jubiljara. The constellation is then glued with real Svarovski stones directly on the starry sky and replaced the already printed on Silver Star there. Astrovoxcards produces offset un in highest quality in Germany in the 7farb in a sheltered workshop of hand eredelt.

Currently entering the market we 6 different motives offered, 3 motifs with individually selectable constellation and 3 without, a total of 39 different (3 x 12 different designs with Zodiac + 3 motifs without sign). Cost-conscious product line the Astrovox Publisher offers all subjects without finishing with Swarovski stones at a significantly lower price. We expressly point out, that the zodiac sign which each will be shown (random) in the pictures of the plant only is an example.

Dream Interpretation Symbols

(Online article) – dream & symbols: important symbols in our dreams. Women behave more closely to their dreams as men. Even better, they can remember what they have dreamed at night. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Dr. Mark Hyman by clicking through. This is the conclusion of some experts who deal with dream interpretation. The survey found that every second woman could remember the dream. She can explain also the daily events that provoked the image of their dreams, so make a dream interpretation.

It looks different for men, only a third of those surveyed – demonstrated the ability to help themselves over 34%. You don’t like dealing with dream interpretation. Another important difference between the attitudes opposite dreams is illustrated by the fact that 37% of women regularly tell. You can talk for hours with her girlfriends, relatives of the interpretation of dreams. The men are restrained, only 16% often talk about their dreams.

Many women poke around even further in special books, in psychological literature, to find out what your dreams mean, the interpretation of dreams is very important for them. 10% of the number of men who are interested in the interpretation of dreams. They surveyed people aged ab14 total 2019 years. Most unskilled workers, retirees, housewives and women believe in the dreams in the General (2.2 times more frequently than men), so is the conclusion to which social scientists came after the evaluation of several surveys. There are many people that probably even the prophetic function of dream interpretation several times have experienced. A woman said that she lived in a different city, their relatives and grandmother so away thousands of miles from her. And had a dream one night with Grandma what happened. When she woke up, she was confident that Grandma would have died. And it was just. There are amazing prophetic dreams. Another Example, a young boy was seriously ill, he struggled, so to speak, with the death.

Fortune Tellers

Divination and Cartomancy there are portals on the Internet In the Internet many esoteric portals on which fortune tellers and psychics put the cards can be. The times have changed, because not long ago it was still to the fortune teller and the fortune teller if you wanted to know something about the own future. Today, the trend to online divination and Cartomancy. Due to he many portals that can be found in the Internet, it is not simply the right to choose. Some are trying to win customers, such discussions are rather shorter for the first consultation with coupons and free offers and you can find out in these free sessions not so much, but still so much that it is worthwhile to come back. The psychics use several decks of cards, the most psychics working with Tarot cards, but also Tipper, Gypsy card or Lenormand are used. Psychics different applications using.

You need to make part of some information about yourself and decide whether you generally have a prediction want, or whether you certain questions lie at the heart. Here, it is worth to look closely at the Internet portal to find the right consultant. Visit homepage, some proverbs and wisdom that can be sometimes very interesting also, almost everyone. Make sure also on the seriousness of the soothsayers who are usually tested and experienced. In some online portals can be also a so-called day cards, that can be quite interesting if some wisdom on a case.

So some advice can be very helpful to see a things in life maybe something more clearly. You are interested in the topic of astrology and Tarot, there are many suitable books and magazines to get information and to get to something about the type and the background of divination. You can recognize yourself, the importance of different decks of cards and easier to understand.