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Health Studies

According to a study conducted by the University of Chichester (England), a drummer Burns as many calories during a concert than a professional football player during a football match. Since you have to use your arms and legs at the same time, and keep a fast pace, it is that drumming is one good exercise for the body as the mind. With respect to the body, increases the heart rate, facilitates blood flow, and develops the muscles in the arms and shoulders. Also, electric batteries, as the yamaha battery e.g. have prefigurados sets the drummer helps to keep the pace, and train the muscles. Credit: Somatic Experiencing-2011. Besides burning calories, play drums yamaha starts operation of the two sides of the brain, developing brain plasticity and positively changing the brain anatomy. A drummer has to be adjusted very quickly to changes in tempo, rhythm, style, and volume, and so does don perform multiple activities at the same time.

A recent study on the influence of musical training in children of 6 years, in which the children followed a course of 15 months of music lessons, he demonstrated that playing an instrument makes larger areas used to process music and perform several tasks at the same time. According to Janke, Professor at the Institute of Zurich, that brain development in children improves the ability of language, memory and attention capacity. It is playing the drums is an ideal pastime, which besides being fun, helps to keep fit and improve mental capacity.