Functional Capacity
As, we probamos veinte (20) mujeres mayores, con edades between 60-83 aos, both pertenecientes al woollen Group Tercera Edad that if dedican actividad physical there regular, con headquarters en St. John’ s el mircoles Polesine Colony. En there aplicacin of wools pruebas if encuentran frecuencia reposo cardiopath en, y joins clida fast so that pueda to be I list for wools pruebas of acuerdo al protocol that if utiliz as reference for there elaboracin y ejecucin of this studio. Segn Marn (2003), evaluacin there functional you are interpretacin there woollen medicin y there capacidad metabolic (bioenergtica) to break del resulted of un protocol (of prueba) specific. As result if observ that edad measured of woollen weight muestra there you are 68,45 y 83,40. En there prueba of LCLC, mostr joins desviacin to estndar of +/-7,19; Bad LPDV tiene that to probar lo minimum, fue of +/-1,33. En el in case that del IMC y el 27,30 IG seal that el proaverage fue of y 28,2, respectively, con joins desviacin to estndar of +/-3,56 y +/-5,24, respectively. En cuanto the frecuencia cardiopath in difiri significantly of edad y muchas to intervene con there los results ya that muestra is corporate there for joins hearing there en madurez.
If concluye that el bad factor that afecta the resulted los haban been functional autonomy of each weight there that sufren ancianos interferences y there edad. WORDS CLAVE: evaluacin physical, los ancianos, el general index woollen autonomy, corporal index of masa. INTRODUCTION the objective of the work is in accordance with to study and to evaluate the Functional Capacity of aged Protocol GDLAM previously elaborated in order to study the functional autonomy and the activities of the daily life related the public of third age.
Tags: health and beauty