Development Assertiveness

Below you will find techniques that will help you develop your confidence. The best moments recall those moments of your life when you felt like a real winner. To recall all the details of the situation, sounds, smells, caught the admiring glances, take a dip at the moment and live it again. Experience the taste of victory and a sense of overflowing pride you, fix this image in mind, move it to the current situation and say to yourself: 'It turned out then – it will now. " I – Hero Who would you say is true epitome of confidence? Whose image appears in your right mind? Perhaps it is the hero of some of the cult film or the character of your favorite book, the famous leader or someone from your surroundings? Or maybe it yourself, but without the slightest hint of timidity, indecision and doubt? Create an image of a hero in your mind, watch how he holds, what his habits, he says. Live at the image and connect with him, you – this is it.

Remember your hero before going to bed and fell asleep, tell yourself that tomorrow morning you wake up in the form of 100% confident man. The next day, behave as would behave your hero. Repeat this technique throughout the week. Exciting gesture our body – the strongest emotional guide. When we are afraid or worried, it is visible to the naked eye: our whole body is compressed, the head is drawn into the arms, shoulders lowered, the back stoop. .


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