HoVELER Services

Workshop by HoVELER HOLZMANN CONSULTING develop company strategies in order to purchase marketing services ‘price grow’. Companies must woo customers to achieve the planned sales. While their marketing are however particularly in times of tight budgets often facing the problem: quite limited financial resources available for this. Against this background the Unternehmensberatung HoVELER HOLZMANN CONSULTING GmbH specializes in the procurement management, a consultancy offering marketing services price worth to buy a “developed. This aims to develop strategies to optimize the procurement of marketing services with the managers in the company. If you have read about John Craig Venter already – you may have come to the same conclusion. This aim can be, to cut marketing spending or to get more out of the existing, limited budget”, as Dr. Bernhard Hoveler, Managing Director of purchasing management consultancy HoVELER stressed HOLZMANN CONSULTING.

The range of services so to speak consists of two components. First determine the shopping consultants on behalf of the Company selected budget items, such as events or printed documents who buys what from who at what price in what quantity a? “.” Also they associate the items contained in the invoices and estimates the various trades / product groups”. “Because without this knowledge, so Hoveler, no solid starting points for an optimization of purchasing can be identified”. The shopping Advisor with the buyers of marketing services and Department representatives to a workshop meet the necessary evidence exists. They define together, how can the potential savings and improve the cost-benefit ratio. For example, by a volume concentration and the development of a company-wide supplier pool. Or through a systematic price benchmarking, because often several departments purchase similar marketing services at different prices.

Or optimizing a specification, which reduces the number of variants such as print products. A important lever is also according to Hoveler to ensure that marketing and shopping to cooperate more. Here, it gets stuck in many companies. Therefore, a central question is often in the workshop: How can purchasing and marketing cooperate with each other, that marketing such as contract negotiations benefited from the experience of buyers? Furthermore: What arrangements are needed for this? Agreements under Hoveler can the result be like: the savings remain in marketing. With the saved money, projects such as the expansion of advertising presence be financed.” Or: We define although a cross-functional process of shopping. The marketing however, remains responsible for the definition of the specifications and the final selection of suppliers.” After the workshop, HoVELER HOLZMANN CONSULTING created a documentary, where in addition to the savings also the paths are pointed out, to realize this. If desired the purchasing professionals also help implement the measures defined the company. For more information about the range of services marketing services price value buy”get interested companies under.


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