Friedhelm Wachs: How You Win Negotiations–guaranteed!

Daily, German companies give away “New success negotiating” seminar on Germany tour money and resources at the negotiating table. Huge sums of money to the detriment of their enterprise through the rags shall let salespeople, – and seller, but also marketing experts as well as specialists and executives in other areas in the long term. And that, although the employees every day – and often negotiate for decades in the professional life. “The best result is obtained only in 8% of all negotiations”, white 5 star coach Friedhelm Wachs, which helps businesses and Governments as worldwide demand as negotiators and negotiation expert for over 25 years their negotiating objectives. In the reverse, that is: 92% of all trial results are bad, at least worse than it could have been.

Is that only because that German managers negotiate per se more restrained and the Bazaar culture is too foreign to them? “The weak negotiating success lies mainly on the wrong negotiation strategy”, says Friedhelm Wachs, the the speaker agency five star speakers also lectures on the subject of price negotiations considers speakers/friedhelm-wax. Due to his negotiating skills, wax is known in the industry under the name “Mr. negotiation”. Together with the continuing education Institute 5-star coach Germany’s negotiating expert has no. 1 a special negotiating approach and its own sales strategy is developed especially for medium-sized companies. His mission for more profit: Achieve higher margins, increase sales, negotiations win – guaranteed! That an expert such as the top sales coach Friedhelm Wachs, with has negotiated in capital goods or computer area to raise billions of dollars in Bank takeovers, passes his knowledge, is something very special. In his seminar “The new success Shipping Act”, coach of 5 star reveals his best practices, negotiate with which beginners as well as sales representative and sales manager with 30 years of sales experience.


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