Color Video Intercoms. Take A Closer Look

Color video intercoms. Take a closer look! In recent years the Internet in a number of articles on the entryphone give very serious recommendations for choosing entryphone, analyzing his work and specific use. On I think that in these articles is not enough attention has been given a color video intercom. As reasons for the choice of black and white version of the authors cited their lower cost and better image quality. Yes, definitely black and white camera has a higher sensitivity and a black and white video phone is cheaper than color, but progress is not in place and the rapid development of electronics industry leads to a blurring of the qualitative and price distinction between color and black-and-white video surveillance systems in general and video systems in particular.

Look at the market monitors for cctv! All lcd Monitors – color, and the share produced in black and white monitors crt tends to zero. This is due primarily to significant improvement in the characteristics of color video cameras. Their resolution and sensitivity, particularly in the cells’ day-night, almost no yield similar parameters of black and white cameras with much higher information content of color images and more comfort for the operator. All this can be to the same extent attributed to the color video intercom systems whether a simple system for home or office, or a complex multi-tiered system for a large cottage community, or multifamily residential complex. Using a calling panels modern color Chambers’ day-night, which at night will switch to black and white mode and can use additional illumination from the ir diodes, the use of lcd panels with high resolution and excellent color make color video intercoms systems in its technical parameters in no way inferior to them in black and white counterparts..

