
Pulmonary tuberculosis – an infectious disease characterized by the formation of a diseased tissue specific foci of inflammation and expression of the general reaction of the body. Pathogen, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MT), mainly as human, bovine and rarely, in exceptional cases of avian type. The main source of infection – sick people or domestic animals, mainly cows. Infected with tb usually aerogenic by at inhalation of air emissions sick tiny droplets of sputum, which contains the mt. Risk of contracting tuberculosis Most Mycobacterium tuberculosis transmitted by airborne droplets. tb patients in coughing, sneezing, talking emit into the ambient air agent in the smallest droplets. By the same author: Peter A. Levine PhD. After drying droplets formed even smaller particles, consisting of 1-2 of microbial cells, these particles do not settle under the force severity and long in the air in a suspended state from which enter the lungs of healthy humans.

Factors that contribute to tb disease: adverse social and environmental conditions of life; malnutrition, alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction – reduction in immunity, stress, presence of concomitant diseases (diabetes, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, diseases of the lungs). Infected with tb the easiest way to a sick man, who, talking, sneezing or coughing, spreads itself around a large number of sticks Koch. Less commonly, infection occurs by eating dairy products from patients tb animals. The main symptoms of tb symptoms are intermittent fever (usually in the evening), fatigue, lethargy, weakness, weight loss (5-7 kg), anorexia, cough, sometimes shortness of breath after physical exertion. In severe cases of the disease – hemoptysis (blood in the sputum).

