The Jejunum

Trihrom recommended for use with PVA-fixed samples of feces. Patients with clinical manifestations of giardiasis, but with a negative result, studies of feces, it is advisable to investigate graduate of the duodenum or upper part of the jejunum. Typically, it contains a large number of Giardia, including trophozoites (they can be seen in fresh smears). Carl Jung takes a slightly different approach. The most reliable method for diagnosing giardiasis is duodenal biopsy. The indications for duodenal biopsy were: typical clinical picture of giardiasis, with negative scatological studies and one of the pathological symptoms: swelling and segmentation jejunum at endoscopy, pathological laktozotolerantny test, the absence of secretory Jgd, hypogammaglobulinemia, achlorhydria.

Counterimmunoelectrophoresis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent fermentosvyazyvayuschy analysis is used by many researchers for quick selection lamblia antigen in stool. For this purpose a rabbit antiserum against Giardia. Sensitivity of -92-98%. Serological methods currently available only at research level. Treatment of giardiasis.

Recognition of the legitimacy of the diagnosis of giardiasis "in all cases, the detection of Giardia in the feces or duodenal contents in both cases symptomatic and asymptomatic, defines a positive decision to hold a specific treatment. However, in all cases observed in the presence of Giardia intestinal disorders or dysfunctions liver, to detect a possible major and associated diseases should conduct a thorough clinical and laboratory examination of the patient. Tinidazool (, ametin, tinogin). The treatment course of 1-2 days. Pathways to treatment is the same as in the treatment of . Dose daily: adults 2000 mg (4 tablets of 0,5 g); children – 50 – 60 mg per 1 kg body weight.

