Stein Friends

Pet: Conte Fabyulos (Cont Fabulous) my LDN (Flying Friend Forever), he is very proud and real bat, I dress him in cute little clothes. Hobby: I love ulybatsya, laugh and Encourage your friends. Big disappointment: Lack of vegetarian dishes in kripaterii (cafeteria) School of Monsters is very bad. Favorite subject in school: to write essays. This allows me to write good stories about their friends. Unloved subject in school: Geography. After 1.599 years, I was everywhere … twice.

Favorite color: Pink Favorite food: I'm a vegetarian, nasty blood is not for me, so that the fruits, vegetables and foods containing a lot of iron for me. LDN: Frankie Stein (Frankie Stein) and Claudine Woolf (Clawdeen Wolf). Biography of Frankie Stein, Who is this: just sewed (Just Got Stitched) Age: I'm 15 … days total. Parent monster: Frankenstein and his wife. Bags: Monster High Frankie Stein killer style: My friends say I have an ideal the figure for fashion.

I'm not entirely sure it oznochaet, but they took me shopping for some terribly cute clothes that are absolutely killer. Bizarre drawback: Sometimes my stitches soskolzyvayut in most inopportune moment. As in the day during strahlidinga my hand and flew away before the prizemlilsas skolzikim Man Monster High. I was disappointed. Pet: Vatzit (Watzit) I'm not sure what it was made, but a license to Vatzita pet a lot of content pages. Hobby: Since I'm only 15 days, I do not have a favorite class! I want to experience everything before you choose.


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