Hospital Lucia Saint
All this structure very facilitates the exchanges between the blood and the fabrics facilitating its homeostasia therefore the sanguine vases normally are called vases of exchanges, where in these places such are transferred to substances as: oxygen, carbonic gas, substrata, metabolic of the blood for fabrics and fabrics for sanguine chain, for this reason all the substances that enter in our organism as well as medicines, virus, bacteria can easily be spread out in other agencies thanks to a closed net of the circulatrio system that allows these exchanges through our hematopoitico system. Source: rincondelvago In the represented project above we can notice the physiology of the sanguineous capillaries in you vary anastomoses that if establish connection between arteries and veins in the substance diffusion for our organism. Small hidrofbicas and hydrophilic molecules pass for the endoteliais membranes of these capillaries, but beyond its paper of exchange of these substances the capillaries play functions of great importance for the control of our organism: They converge the angiostensina I in angiostensina II and this is equivalent to say of the control of the arterial pressure, converges substantiates as bradicinina, serotonina, prostaglandin, norepinefrina, trombina in organicly inert composites, being these only stimulated when the necessary organism of one reply ahead of some eminent alteration as stress, breaking. Moreover, it produces factors vasoativos that can unchain constrico and dilatao of the arteries caused for substance discharges in the organism that they stimulate these mechanisms, finally produces also the calls of factors of important growth factor in the formation of the circulatrio system still in the embryonic phase of this system. The endoteliais cells have antitrombognica action that it hinders the coagulation of our blood when we suffer an injury that reaches one of these arteries, for example, where the fabric subendotelial induces the formation of cogulo that it hinders the flow it blood thus hindering hemorrhages for the formation of trombos in the place of the injury, but on the other hand pieces of these trombos can obstruct if free and for the sanguineous chain to hinder the flow it blood in a process in other parts the body in a process which we call embolism Source: Hospital Lucia Saint the vases of the capillaries if anastosomam freely forming a net of vnulas that they are connected by arterioles, these in turn branch off in envoltos called lesser branches of metarterola in the smooth muscle, its contraction helps to regulate it the circulation of the capillary that are controlled for the neural system and hormonal of the organism, in fabrics where the metabolic tax is very high as the kidney, the cardiac and esquelticas cells possess a net of abundant capillary, therefore its metabolism is great demands an exchange of substantiates intense in these regions in order to favor the flow of the blood consequently and the oxygenation of these fabrics.
Tags: art and science