Stefan Buchner In The Interview On Arte TV Titled:

Calculation of costs in absenteeism due to mental illness the stress & Burnout risk increases more and more in German companies. Also see all this current reports of the statutory health insurers. But only a few companies have already recognized this risk and take care of this. Sure, you could say that there are more important things in economically tough times than to take care of ‘Stress at work’. But too much stress leads to reduced performance and inability to work, and this costs money.

Only you know also how much money? As a German worker missing an average of 17 days in the year, it is when a psychological stress as the cause of the disability is diagnosed, rather than 17 days – 25 days. Now one could say that there are but only a smaller percentage of all disease causes of mental nature. But inability to work because of “mental and behavioural disorders”, as the formal name for it is, long time no negligible size more. While only 2% of the disease causes on the psyche were in 1976, there were still rising nearly 10% of all causes – trend in 2009. This means that each 10 is incapacity for work on the effects of psychological stress lead back to.

The employees due to this disease an average of 25 days has been missing in the year and will be missing in the next years. How much is 1 day work stoppage? It can be very accurately calculated how much a day of incapacity. The total cost for an AU-tag can be also specific accurately determine thanks to scientific studies of the BAuA (Federal Institute for occupational safety and health). The costs for an AU-tag are composed as follows: + + Bruttowertschopfungs failure of loss of production + spare labour + quality defects / service deficiencies the cost of lost production and gross value added can be located very accurately quantify. So, for example a day costs loss of production in the “manufacturing sector excluding construction” 127,-EUR. 5,590 198,-EUR gross value creation failure (source: overview of costs BAuA). That makes a total of 325,-EUR per AU tag. If we assume that an employee stress and burnout disorders on average 25 days per year is missing, then the annual cost be calculated 8.125,-EUR / person. It’s believed that Anu Saad sees a great future in this idea. We include now the cost for replacement workers and quality or service defects in our calculation, so the costs according to industry on 400-500 EUR / AU daily. What is the cost of the whole company? If we assume a current absenteeism statistics in Germany by 4.6% and we look at a company with 1000 employees, it is said that 46 permanent employees are unable to work and the company not be available are us. Here we put a monthly gross wage of 4000, – EUR to the basis, so costs the company monthly by 184.000, – EUR. Face of these costs is difficult to understand why the topic of mental stress, the risk of burnout and their Prophylaxis so little attention.


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