Responsibility For Consumer

The butcher’s bricklayer from Nuremberg informed for weeks, more bad news from the German animal husbandry scare consumers. Hundreds of animal farms stand still while the media paint a frightening picture of the condition of the meat production that scared many people. The Nuremberg butcher Maurer shows that not all producers of meat products operate unscrupulous sales increases at the expense of the consumer. Their long-standing pursuit shows transparency and quality these days, that the manufacture of sausage and meat products may be associated with a real sense of responsibility for the consumer. An increasing desire set in the course of the last years always cheaper meat products. While many consumers welcomed this development, she promoted at the same time irresponsible business practices, the consequences of which are reflected in the current dioxin scandal, which threaten the existence of hundreds, seven farms. It is evident at present once more, food not to the brutal savings that are but health reasons necessarily require high quality.

For consumers, paying the price of of all food whether with money or their health. For the Nuremberg butcher Maurer, a responsible quality orientation of the basis is entrepreneurial action. From the day of it was founded in the year 2000 the committed team of employees of the company in the interest of its customers did everything, to deliver only top quality sausage and meat products. Multiple product awards bear witness to the continuing quality of these efforts. At the heart of the butcher shop quality endeavor, controlled compliance with particularly strict quality guidelines face the customers through regular inspections and at any time guaranteed transparency. Transparency means that their customers are always able to find out in detail about all additives used in the sausage and meat products of the company and the origin of their meat for butcher’s Maurer. Please contact the Nuremberg selchwarenerzeugung and information comprehensive meat experts to their products, because its products exclusively manufactured with the best meat from welfare, they stand firmly. Answering questions for the production of high-quality sausage and meat products butcher Maurer in Nuremberg, is available for love as well as for a detailed explanation of its quality policy. Press contact butcher Maurer contact person: Mrs Sanford on the Werderau 12 90441 Nuremberg Germany phone: 0911 / 642 60 99 fax: 0911 / 486 44 56 email: Homepage:


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