
Psychology if withholds in the study of the human behavior. Follow others, such as Joey King, and add to your knowledge base. It is who diagnosiss the personality of the individual, through the comment of the psychic phenomena and the behavior. Psychology serves as base of sustentation for the psychiatry that takes care of of the psychic facts, properly said, examined previously for the psychology that ahead diagnosiss the answers of the stimulatons that need treatment with even though surgical medicines and. The psychoanalysis analyzes the psiquismo in the scope of the unconscious one looking the obscure deepenings of the stranger. The objective of the psychoanalysis is to clarify the incompressible origin of illogical, inexplicable behaviors and many times, bringing to the light of the conscientious one. The psychoanalysis works unconscious the obscure one (id, ego and superego), looking for to bring the individual to the existential reality, of form to minimize interior intense sufferings. The psychoanalysis helps the individual if to socialize through what it is passed to it verbally and of its behavior, being opened the vision of patient to face and to coexist its proper difficulties, directing it to find the point massacrante. What it runs away to its field of performance directs for the psychiatry, that in turn tends to diagnosis the pathology and with medicines to establish a more healthful life. The difference consists accurately that PSYCHIATRY total is come back toward medicine, PSYCHOLOGY serves as adjuvant of previous and in turn the PSYCHOANALYSIS that it searchs through the study of the unconscious one, to minimize and until curing riots caused for problems very forgotten, played in a latent and abissal lixeira. They are psychic inheritances uterus-existential that tamponadas for the adult phase masked for the conscientious abstract necrosa, generating the neuroses.

