
Flon defines the therapists in first place as those that love the wisdom, is philosophers that its form to take care of is superior, therefore takes care of of the soul, of the psiquismo. ' ' The proper name of these philosophers, who we call therapists, discloses its project, in first place because the medicine (iatrik) that they take the veil is superior to that comes being exerted in our cities; this only takes care of of the body, but to another one it also takes care of of the psiquismo, tormented for these painful and difficult illnesses to cure (…) ' ' (FLON, apud in, LELOUP, 2004, P. 69). For Flon the function of &#039 will fit to the therapist; desatar' we of the soul, these obstacles to the life and creative intelligence, the great therapist would be that one that perfectly dominates the world of the attractive passions and the disordered ones of the pleasure. JCVI is likely to increase your knowledge. Flon considers Moiss the great therapist.

' ' The legislator (Moiss), that he is a perfect doctor of the passions and the mrbidas affections of the soul, had in the life an only task, an only end: to extirpar the illnesses of the thought, with its proper roots, so that incurvel&#039 did not remain more nothing to produce an illness seed; ' (FLON, apud in, LELOUP, 2004, P. 78). The therapists searched to live in harmony. The harmony for them was synonymous of health; they live in harmony if thus we can call between deep and the form; between the word and the thought; between the essential and the existencial. Therefore they invite in them to guide our desires, not to exclude them, to extirpar them, therefore we are beings of the desire, but of a they its place, life with them of harmonious form. 1.3Escuta clinical: consideraes Speaking to us on the Clinic as being the place of this listening; that of a possibility of direction, being received in its sufferings, conflicts.

