Parkinsons Disease Help
Dementia is increasing strongly. Effective treatments exist hardly. Can chelation therapy be an interesting option? Did you know that in Germany more than 900,000 people suffer a dementia disease? 650,000 under Alzheimer’s disease? -A shockingly high number and one a doubling of numbers for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease cases expected in the next 10-20 years! The causes of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease are still unclear. A group of polluters are generally heavy metals and metals. This includes also the lead, cadmium in addition to the dangerous mercury and in the case of Parkinson’s disease even iron.
A novel method of treatment, the so called chelation therapy, offers hope. In the natural healing practice Kallmeyer in Hanover are treated with the chelation therapy chronic diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. This is heavy metal detoxification. well Esselstyn Jr.. The experiences correspond with those of countless other naturopathic practices. As the chelation therapy affects often cheap course of the disease and can sometimes even to slow it down. Alzheimer’s disease: Yes,. Quality of life: (still) good! Alzheimer’s disease is still incurable.
The quality of life that still can be achieved also with the disease, however strongly depends on how early the disease can be diagnosed. First signs of Alzheimer’s disease are for example General forgetfulness, repeating the same question or story. Here a doctor should be consulted as a precaution. The average life expectancy after an Alzheimer’s diagnosis is approximately eight years, but varies from person to person. Acquaintances were figures who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease, for example: Ronald Reagan, Charlton Heston and Inge Meysel. Parkinson’s disease: often result of heavy metals it could be shown by Prof. Haley, that heavy metals Parkinson’s symptoms can mimic or trigger. The mercury is in the spotlight. The Parkinson’s syndrome is one of the most common diseases of the nervous system.
Tags: health, medicine & surgery