Government Intervention In The Food Industry

" This system does not change for several reasons. It contributes to survivability is the same lack of meat. In Russia, it is still a big problem, as well as with other natural ingredients. At the same time, more production, more difficult to ensure a stable supply quality natural ingredients. Go to the surrogates solves this problem.

It is stipulated that the face of our meat industry – a monster of the Soviet era, capable of producing up to 300 tons of sausages a day. The huge enterprises are very troublesome and expensive to observe the temperature regimes. The temperature is in the shops should be 12.4 degrees. Otherwise, create an environment for the development of malicious microorganisms. Life manufacturer makes the rejection of meat in favor of soybeans, milk and eggs – in favor of a powder substance, etc. With these ingredients, you can work at room temperature.

In this control system does not promise any problems careless producers. The current method of determining the suitability of the product Guests do not find it provides that the State Standard is not provided. Even if experts wish to expand the product on the molecule, they can not determine the origin of many of them. According to the director of the Institute of Meat Industry (VNIIMP them. Gorbatova) Andrey Lisitsyn, the industry there are only 90 techniques for determining the qualitative and quantitative composition of raw materials at 180 State Standards. And the methods for determining additions to the index 'e' in the meat and all – 3. At the meat processing plants also use about 20 of these additives.

