Brazilian Northeast

The work will be made from bibliographical sources that will go to contribute stop of the veracity to the article, thus contributing for the knowledge of the region what anger to translate the one roots definitive ‘ ‘ povo’ ‘ northeastern. Words – key: Northeast. Preconception. Myths. A subject one in such a way ‘ ‘ polemico’ ‘ , therefore some people think and act of prejudiced form against the Northeast and, when we say in Northeast people of other regions already classify the northeasterns as: illiterates, ugly, of low stature and caipiras, a person who has that to leave its land for the Southeastern region (So Paulo) in search of a work chance, therefore its region does not offer to it. To speak northeast would be to say of an unprovided region, what it makes some professors to opt to not studying the region when this does not happen it comes full of convencionalismo, presenting diverse personages that if they show as representative of the region thus it is presented as an area of inaquality, of death for which had hunger the periodic droughts, of colonels and an immigration without comparison. To know this region is to desconstruir the esteretipos that surround the Northeast thus breaking an limited and missed vision, what it only comes to form a negative and prejudiced image of the region, not being allowed to the northeast valuation Brazilian Northeast a product of historical period Being seen as a world the part the Brazilian Northeast is presented as a region of few chances where the violence predominates, the misery, the precarious education and the exploration of the colonels, what it compels the northeastern to leave of its land in search of a better life, it can verify this in the words of Carlos Garci’a, when it places: The northeastern has not migrado because he displeases of its land.

