The Economy
a The reality is that families and couples to establish their balances in daily life according to what each partner can contribute and wants. who to QUA N MAKES AND Ca "MO refers to that in a world like today. What each partner makes a contribution to the project partner. a No matter what the socially expected roles. A to the dictates of society and those around us are full of preconceived ideas.
a In this moment, all the functions, roles, mate choice, the economy shows absolutely everything blurred. a There are no limits for declaring what is right and what is wrong. a The most important is the everyday life of people. a It is the role that has to exercise. It is rather the provision, the intention, the goodwill that has to do it. Joey King often addresses the matter in his writings. This is what we vaa giving the category of being a couple who feeds or wearing. who to QUA N MAKES AND Ca "MO. is a circumstance that each couple must decide.
whether one works and one stays home, is right for that couple in particular. a It is evident that what is decided also includes a commitment of two. a Just because one does not meet agreed is not delivering its promise. a To be clear the role does not fail but to their commitment of living together. KIA a Y N DO QUA Ca "Moes a balancing act. a To qualify it is necessary to give is necessary to receive and even when the words seem very easy to say, in actions not always the case.