Archimedes Pressure

Recently I found an interesting aerodynamic dependence. To prove it, such an example: The AN-12. Maximum takeoff weight – 61 tons Wing Area – 121.7 square meters. m. To create the lift force necessary to detach from the aircraft Land enough of a 5% drop in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing. Five percent of the standard (760 mm. Hg. Column) pressure near the ground is 38 mm. Hg. column. 760 – 38 = 722 mm. Hg. column. According to the table of international standard Atmosphere (ISA), we find that the pressure of 722 mm. Hg. column corresponds to a height equal to 425 meters. Now, attention! Atmospheric column height of 425 meters, with a cross-sectional area 121.7 sq.m. contains within itself the 61 ton air. Coincidence?

In fact, I believe that this dependence is discovered by accident, a purely mathematical way, has more to do with physics than to the aerodynamics. Something akin to the corollary of the Law of Archimedes, for an asymmetric body harder air and balanced in it vertically through the pressure difference above and below this body resulting from its wrapping horizontal air flow. Although, strictly speaking, the law of Archimedes, it is the law of static fluids and gas, and here we are dealing with the dynamics. Very interesting detail in my opening – before it is not described anywhere. That is, I actually turned out to be a pioneer. Using the knowledge gained through my rather big aviation career, I could open and prove that the area between the wing and a cross section four hundred twenty-five meter high pillar is a link that to my discovery of ‘remained in the shadows. “.

