Wine Tasting Dinner

Interesting facts about a wine tasting with friends, there are 3 factors that contribute to taste a wine: the grapes, the wine-growing area and the technique of the cellar master. Make sure that a Sauvignon Blanc from France tastes different than a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand. A blind taste test can lead to an entertaining and informative evening with friends. And if contributes every bottle of wine, this must be no costly pleasure. Here are a few things that can help you.

The ideal conditions for using wine tasting you clean, odor-neutral glasses and make sure that the area is free of food smell, smoke and perfume fragrance. Also, no flowers and fruit bowls in the vicinity should be. In assessing color, natural light is best. Also, make sure that the wines have the right temperature. Others who may share this opinion include Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Red wine consumed mostly somewhat too warm, too cold white wine. The ideal temperature varies depending on the grape. The rough guideline for red wine, but so is approx.

18 C below room temperature. White wine should be easy cool, CA have Uncorked. As a neutralizer between the wines, you should provide the best water and bread. How one wine tasted our senses are most grows before dinner and plan a tasting before dinner. Pour the glass of wine only to one-third full, otherwise you can swing it properly. The first step is the evaluation of the appearance of the wine. What color is he? To do so, you hold the glass at best something bias and against a white background. So, you can easily judge the color and clarity of the wine. In the second step, turn the wine. Viscous wines form called tears. They are a sign of a high alcohol content of the wine and say nothing about the quality. Now smell the wine. They have no inhibitions, to stick the nose deep in the glass. What do you smell? Are looking for in your memories and try to assign the flavors. The third step is the taste. Professional wine tasters Slurp and chew the wine. But that is up to you of course. Here, beware the mouth feel, the body of the wine, the intensity and the balance. What do you say to acidity, sweetness, alcohol and tannins? How do you judge the finish? Write if you want to make it a competition, is, that you prepare evaluation sheets. So, anyone can make a your own tasting notes and record points such as grape variety, color, bouquet, taste and review. Maybe you also want to guess from which country or which region comes the wine. Here are no limits their ingenuity. Enjoy the journey of discovery. Petra Naubert New Zealand wine boutique

