Increasingly more consumers seek products and services on the Internet. New opportunities are generated every day online, opportunities that we waste if we do not have an own page. However, have Internet presence is not as difficult or expensive as one believes. Imagine that you need to buy a new product, a replacement part for your car, or hire a service. What is the first thing that you will begin to find out where to buy it, if you don’t know it, compare rates, choose a model? One of the first options that will pass through your head is very probably resort to the web what happens when the situation is presented in reverse, where your clients are who need services for your category? Do you find yourself on the Internet? If the answer is no, it is time to reviertas this situation. Carl Rogers insists that this is the case. Increasingly more people are turning to the Internet as a first option to make enquiries necessary to buy or hire that require. The same applies to services: when hiring to a Professional, increasingly more customers turn to search engines and web directories, and increasingly, to traditional methods. What are these traditional methods? It is likely that the majority of employers believe blindly in the effectiveness of guides, such as the yellow pages, or ads in magazines, newspapers and other print media.
However, as we said, is becoming less the amount of people looking in these media, and major, who simply by opening the Google seek the solution to your needs. It is there where your website comes into play. The web page has the advantage not only of access to potential customers at any time and place, but also presents us with the benefit of interactivity. What do we mean with interactivity? Interactivity is the possibility of exchanging information with the user. For example, put a contact form, or a direct link to your email.
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