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You can teach a new employee many things, but attitude is not one of them. Many employers are willing to teach skills to new employees if they come through the door with a positive, energetic "I can do it." 3. Ask the right questions. Ask about the position, job responsibilities and company values. 4.

Dress for success. Before the interview, the jobseeker learner must discover the dress code clothing company and a level above that. It is better to be overdressed than under dressed. This does not mean you need to go out and buy a new wardrobe. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jon Medved . Go to quality over quantity. One or two well-chosen business suits will serve all the way until the first day at work and beyond. Then, when you are making some money (and have the opportunity to see what the standard "uniform" is for the company), can begin to complete your wardrobe. For now, no one is blamed for carrying the same Sharp suit every time you interview.

If you want some variety within a limited budget, you might consider different your shirt / blouse tie / accessories as a simple way to change your look without breaking your wallet. 5. Leave a lasting impression. There are two simple steps you can take to make a lasting impression after your interview and greatly increase your chances of success. The first is to call the interviewer to thank them for time. If possible, you can add additional information that was not discussed in the interview. An example would be: "I understand from talking to the receptionist that Microsoft Office is the company's standard software. I just wanted to mention that I am also fully competent in each of the tools of the Office suite. This phone call should be the same day. If you can not get a direct interview, leave a voice message. The second activity is to immediately write the interviewer a short note, thanking them for their time and re-emphasize your interest in the position. Then the best to reach them as quickly as possible. E-mail is, by fax, hand deliver, Messenger, using the mail overnight, whatever. But make sure they have it before the end of the next day . Ideally, you want to get into their hands by the end of the interview or first thing the next morning. Why? Because the quicker your letter arrives, the greater the likelihood of affecting a positive impact. A thank you note provides an opportunity to thank the interviewer for his time, and one last chance to express their interest in strengthening the position and why you are the right person for it. Visit – Editing career weekly newsletter and articles on how to respond to questions from the interview. The Gazette also provides information on career working in the careers of origin and precise descriptions of the race.

