Summer Month

Then I remembered one of the summer experience: during a walk in one city in western Ukraine, to me caught my eye a sign with the word "Competitor." I set about trying to give his school this way, but this name seemed to me much too brazen, defiant. Later appeared, in my view, a softer version of "Favorite". Favorite, in my understanding, this is happy horse that has a greater chance of success. And has become a tradition to discover something new and start your own business requires a certain motivation and the belief that all that you undertake will be successful. You were absolutely sure their endeavors? Had no confidence! It was pure chutzpah. Simply youthful self-confidence.

I think if I now start all over again, this time with a decade of experience behind him, and knowing how many have overcome any problems, I would not even be put. And so things went slowly: Week after week, month after month overcome any troubles. Everything started as a circle. By the same author: Joey King. Was not his room, and I went to a portable recorder. Later we settled in school number 56 and bought the equipment. In the summer I was doing repair: first floor, then I started to paint everything. And now there is a cloakroom, two well-decorated hall, lounge, recreation room So you still acted as decorator and designer I superdizayner! Now, being in Canada, I watched a lot of studios and realized that this is not anywhere else.

