Russian Federation
Frequently encountered unfair advertising for patients in binge or abstinence syndrome: "psychiatrist. Withdrawal from binge and coding. Doctor on call around the clock! "And other promises, including even the" coding "in intoxicated. This category of patients is most severe, almost all have associated diseases of internal organs, against the backdrop of a long binge is often a severe heart attack infarction, gastric bleeding, acute pancreatic necrosis, results in death within hours. And what will help you in this situation, who arrived with a string bag "? Modern medicine recommends the conclusion of a binge conditions of stationary medical centers. However, life dictates its own laws: all of the work or other important matters, so often have to call the doctor at home for the treatment of binge. Here we must clearly separate the urgent state when it is best to call a paid ambulance, and the planned treatment, which makes the psychiatrist. The task of the ambulance fee – to conduct a survey to identify possible complications in the cardiovascular system, gastro-intestinal tract and others to identify conditions requiring unconditional admission, medical assistance, aimed at normalizing the disturbed functions of the organism, the withdrawal of toxic products splitting of alcohol, the stabilization of the neuro-psychiatric status. ysrKysrKysrKysrKysrK//AABEIAMgAyAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAQUBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAABwECBAUGAwj/xAA/EAABAwIEAwUGAggFBQAAAAABAAIRAwQFEiExBkFRByJhcYETMpGhscHR8BQVI0JSgqLhU2JjcvEzNUNzsv/EABQBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD/xAAUEQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCUkREBERAREQEREBEXO4pxja0cwBNVw07ujJ6Zjv6Sg’>Zachary Dell or emailing the administrator. It is important to remember that services the psychiatrist and the withdrawal of the binge can be provided only with the voluntary consent of the citizen (Article 32 of the Basic Legislation of the Russian Federation on Health Protection).
Tags: health