Physiology Benefits

In contrast of what many think the pertaining to school Physical Education does not have total to be dissociada of the sport, but also it must be come back toward the development of the health of the pupil, therefore the Physical Education and the health had always had a historical relation, influenced however for military trend, however for medical or porting trend, but it influences it doctor is the one that more is distinguished of these cited, therefore through practical healthful of daily activities if it gets benefits that will be taken for the life. It was through the development of the Physiology and its important discoveries, mainly in relation to the benefits of the physical exercises for the health, that the Physical Education if became target of the interests of the Medicine and the educational institutions, had its importance for all the society, in particular of the north? American who fomented great part of the scientific research in this area (GUEDES, 2000). At the beginning of years 80, it appeared in the countries as Great-Britain, Canada, United States and Australia a called movement ‘ ‘ Related Physical aptitude to the Health? AFRS’ ‘ , that it had as proposal main to contribute in the formularization of the National Curricular Lines of direction of these countries, defining that the national resume of the Physical Education mainly objectified the related physical aptitude to the health..

