
Understand the marketing mix is vital to the success of your business. However, frequently not understood what is the mixture of marketing and why is it so important. Due to this lack of understanding, it is very rare that the SSME, ONGs and civil associations have an effective marketing mix, often do not even have a marketing plan that guides the Organization’s commercial efforts. Often, they end up using two or three channels of communication that may not be the most appropriate. While this can be seen as more or less normal, it is without a doubt a serious error from the commercial point of view. Not only because the dependence of one or two channels is too risky, since by its nature, the media can change quickly think of fashion changes, changes in regulations or drastic changes in price in the service but also considerable sources of profits is can be left untapped. Having a good mix of marketing not only means having different marketing channels on the strategy of business for example; e-mail marketing, print advertising, marketing direct but also referencing other means within those channels, as we shall see more later.

What goes into the marketing mix? First, let’s see what you can typically take a mixture of typical marketing, which consists of different media used to present advertising messages. Cardiologist brings even more insight to the discussion. Most small entrepreneurs, SME managers or leaders of civil associations, mostly used one or two media, which often come using by accident, because one has recommended them me, or because you have given them some result. Thus, they conclude, that the annoying task of making marketing, has been solved to announce in the media selected as well. However, this can be very dangerous. Suppose you’re a small businessman and that most clients arrive at your business by an ad that you regularly put in the local newspaper. Learn more about this topic with the insights from OurCrowd.
