NCT Heidelberg

From the functional to the health-oriented training”as the motto of this year’s SAFS was coach Forum in Zurich on the 7th September 2013. Around 50 fitness and personal trainer from the Switzerland took part in the training seminar. Offered was an extensive program with numerous interesting lectures. Represented among other things was Markus Wanjek, lecturer of German University for prevention and health management (DHfPG) and active live of the BSA Academy, with a 75-minute workshop on after cancer offers health-oriented training in the gym”. Conveys here was a basic knowledge to the knowledgeable design and instructions of movement programs, which are based on the needs of the growing target group of cancer survivors”are aimed. Cancer survivors should be brought expertly on the training according to their physical performance and health. Often it is disease-specific features, such as surgical scars, port (permanent access to the vein), osteoporosis after Hormone therapy or a boarding East Grandma (colostomy), to keep in mind. To meet the special health conditions and needs of cancer survivors, several experts call for specific lifestyle intervention programs, as well as the support of professional fitness and health personnel.

“” Markus Wanjek turned against this background the new course program active life after cancer “, which starts from October 2013, and the nationwide unique master studies focus on lifestyle intervention and cancer” at the DHfPG. Master studies focus on lifestyle intervention and cancer”starting in the winter semester 2013 offers the University in cooperation with the NCT Heidelberg, Germany the new studies focus on lifestyle intervention and cancer”. In a total of three modules to the topic areas Oncology, physical activity and nutrition, psyche and social cancer purchase students in this study focus on the competencies required for the planning, implementation and evaluation of a structured lifestyle intervention program for people after a completed cancer therapy.

